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《灵界经历》 第4930节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4930

4930. Continuation about heaven and about the last judgment

There are cities there, large and numerous, and people in the other life go to them because people bring with them from the world the ability to seem to live somewhat morally, out of fear for their lives, the law, reputation, profit. As long as such fears are present, they live morally, but when there is no concern for these, they then live as their inner qualities are, which then also become evident.

Such cities are seen on rocks and on mountains: on rocks those who have principles from the church's doctrine, on mountains those who have various loves. It is in consequence of this that a rock in the Word symbolizes faith and a mountain, love. They are also different in many ways. In the beginning those who have faith and have led a moral life in the world gather to such cities. Nevertheless, those who are evil gradually gather there as well by using simulated affections for what is true and good, and by tricks. And when this happens, the inhabitants of the city begin to come under attack, thoughts and feelings are communicated in the other life, and when this happens, a visitation takes place. Angels are sent there to learn the state of things. And when they become aware that the state of faith, that is to say, the state of love, has been corrupted by these malicious spirits, the good are then separated from the evil like sheep from goats, and the good leave and the evil remain, and this city then sinks down into the depths, and thus the evil are sent down into hell. I saw this happen with some of them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4930


There are cities there, large and numerous; and men repair to them in the other life, for the reason that they take with them, from the world, the ability to live there - by virtue of fear of their life, of the law, of honor and of gain - in the appearance of some good. As long as such fears are in them, they live morally; but, when they are taken away, they then live according to their interiors, which are then also manifested. Such cities appear upon rocks and upon mountains. Upon the rocks are those who are in principles derived from the doctrine of the Church. Upon the mountains are those who are in loves. Hence it is that rock, in the Word, signifies faith, and mountain, love. They also differ in many respects. To such cities there repair, at first, such as are in faith and have led a moral life in the world; but yet, by degrees, the wicked also, by means of simulated affections of truth and good and by various arts, repair thither; and when this happens, then the inhabitants of that city begin to be infested - for thoughts and affections are communicated in the other life - and, when this occurs, visitation takes place. Angels are sent thither, that they may know what is the nature of the state there; and, when they discover that the state of faith, or the state of love, is perverted by those wicked ones, then the good are separated from the evil like the sheep from the goats, and the good go forth and the evil remain; and then that city sinks down even into the depths, and thus the evil are let down into hell. I saw this take place with some of them.

Experientiae Spirituales 4930 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4930. Continuatio de coelo et de ultimo judicio

Sunt ibi urbes, magnae et multae, ac illuc se conferunt homines in altera vita, ex causa, quia secum trahunt ex mundo, quod ibi ad apparentiam vivere possint in aliquo bono, ex timore vitae, legis, honoris, et lucri, quamdiu talia insunt, vivunt morate, sed cum illa eximuntur tunc vivunt secundum interiora, quae quoque tunc patent. Apparent tales urbes super petris et super montibus, super petris qui in principiis ex doctrina Ecclesiae, super montibus qui in amoribus, inde est, quod petra in Verbo significet fidem, et mons amorem; differunt quoque in multis; in tales urbes se conferunt primum tales qui in fide sunt, et moralem vitam egerunt in mundo, sed usque sensim per affectiones veri et boni simulatas, et per varias artes se conferunt illuc etiam malitiosi, et cum hoc fit, tunc incolae urbis illius incipiunt infestari, nam cogitationes et affectiones in altera vita communicantur, quod cum fit, fit visitatio, mittuntur illuc angeli, ut sciant qualis ibi status sit, et cum animadvertunt quod status fidei seu status amoris a malitiosis illis est perversus, tunc separantur boni a malis, sicut oves ab hircis, et boni exeunt, ac mali remanent, et tunc subsidit urbs illa usque in profundum, et sic mali demittuntur in infernum; hoc factum vidi cum aliquibus.

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