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《灵界经历》 第4952节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4952

4952. About a place where they become insane when they look in

There was a place on the back near the lower part of the spinal cord, which when spirits put their head into it, they began to become so stupefied that they got a sharp pain, feeling that they were almost devoid of intelligent life. Some put their heads into this and such a thing happened to them. Consequently they were taken away from this place so that they would not disturb this aura. But it was closed after this. The closure looked like a pestle inserted into a large tube.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4952


There is a place at the back, near the lower part of the spinal marrow, into which when people put the head they began to grow so stupefied that they suffered acute pain, feeling, that they were almost destitute of intellectual life. Some put their heads therein and such a thing happened to them. They were removed thence lest they should disturb this sphere. But [the place] was afterwards closed up. The closing up appeared like as if a pestle were flung into a great siphon.

Experientiae Spirituales 4952 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4952. De loco ubi insaniunt cum introspiciunt

Erat a tergo juxta inferiorem partem medullae spinalis locus, in quem cum immitterent caput, coeperunt ita stupescere, ut dolorem acutum acciperent, sentientes quod paene absque vita intellectuali essent, in hunc immiserunt aliqui caput, et illis tale obtigit, inde remoti sunt, ne turbarent hanc sphaeram. Sed occludebatur postea, occlusio apparebat sicut pistillum injectum siphoni magno.

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