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《灵界经历》 第4956节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 4956

4956. Meanwhile they created great disturbances among those who are below, whom they want to rule, especially among those who are at the back whom they inspire with the erroneous belief that the things they say are from the Lord, not believing anything else. They also inspire certain foolish spirits with this belief, namely that the Lord is among them with His presence. They are very wicked, because using their persuasive power they lure simple good spirits to themselves, for their power of persuasion is very great. On this account they are like blodiglar 1, as they can scarcely be driven off. But they are punished severely and finally banished to hell.


1. Swedish for Ԭeeches"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 4956

4956. Meanwhile, they stirred up many crews among those who are below, whom they wish to rule; especially amongst those who are at the back, whom they inspire with the chimerical faith that the things they say are from the Lord - these believing nothing else; and they also inspire certain foolish ones with this faith, namely, that the Lord is with them with His own present. These are the worst ones; for, by virtue of their persuasion they allure simple good spirits to themselves - for their persuasion is very powerful - wherefore, they are like leeches, so that they can scarcely be driven away; but yet they are punished most grievously, and, at length, are relegated to the hells.

Experientiae Spirituales 4956 (original Latin 1748-1764)

4956. Interea excitarunt multas turbas inter illos qui infra sunt, quos volunt regere, imprimis inter illos qui a tergo sunt, quos inspirant erronea fide, quod quae dicunt, a Domino sint, non aliud credentes, et quoque quosdam fatuos inspirant ea fide, ita quod Dominus apud illos cum sua praesentia sit; hi sunt pessimi, nam alliciunt ex persuasione sua ad se bonos simplices spiritus, persuasio enim maxima, quare sunt sicut blodiglar, 1

ut vix possint abigi, sed puniuntur gravissime, et tandem relegantur in inferna.


1. = hirudines (vox suecica)

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