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《灵界经历》 第5050节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5050

5050. Those sent down into that hell are handed over to such spirits as have power over them and who chastise them when they are thinking of doing evil. They are skilled at everything conducive to moderating them. Under their control they are kept thinking, willing, speaking, and acting morally and moderately, which for the most part they are compelled to do by punishments. Thus they are eventually purged and fear to do evil; thus it is fear that rules them. Their chastisers are of many kinds: there are evil ones; there are ones who are better; there can be even those who inwardly are angels but are unaware of this, but who outwardly are evil. In order that their outer nature may be brought into agreement with inner qualities, these discharge the duties of chastisers.

[2] From this is evident that there is never a shortage of chastisers. On account of this they have power through the inflow. Similarly, neither is there a shortage of those who police the hells. Those who from their natural or outward self want to command but are good inwardly can become chastisers. Also, male and female servants are handed over to their own mistresses and masters, who too are of such a nature. The mistresses and masters explore and see their character, and love to improve them in various ways. These were those who had been particularly intelligent in their bodily life.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5050

5050. Those who are sent down into that hell are delivered to such ones, who have power over them, and are their punishers, as long as they intend evils. These are expert in all things which contribute to terrify them; they are kept under these, thinking, willing, speaking and acting, morally and temperately, to which they are mainly compelled by chastisement; in this way they are, at last, vastated, and fear to do evil: thus, with these, fear reigns. The punishers are of many kinds: there are the evil; there are a better sort; there may even be such as are interiorly angels (though of this they are unaware), but are exteriorly evil. These take up the office of punishers, that the external of those [punished] may be reduced to agreement with their internals. Hence it is manifest, that punishers are never wanting; wherefore they have power by influx: so neither are there wanting moderators of the hells. Those who, from the natural or external man, wish to rule, but are interiorly good, can become punishers. Also menservants and maid-servants are there given up to their masters and lords, who are also of such a genius. The masters and lords explore and observe their disposition, and love to amend them in various ways. These were such as in the life of the body have excelled in ingenuity.

Experientiae Spirituales 5050 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5050. Qui in id infernum demittuntur, illi traduntur talibus, qui potestatem super illos habent, et qui sunt eorum castigatores, dum mala intendunt; illi callent omnia, quae ad temperandum illos conducunt, sub his tenentur cogitare, velle, loqui et agere moraliter et modo, ad quae plerumque per castigationes adiguntur, ita devastantur tandem, et timent malum facere, ita regnat timor apud eos. Castigatores sunt plurium generum, sunt mali, sunt meliores, etiam dari possunt qui interius angeli sunt, sed hoc non sciunt, sed exterius mali, ut redigatur externum eorum ad concordantiam cum internis, hi castigatorum munus obeunt: inde patet quod nusquam desint castigatores, quapropter vim habent per influxum; sicut nec desunt moderatores infernorum, qui ex naturali seu externo homine volunt imperare, sed interius sunt boni, castigatores possunt fieri. Etiam famuli et famulae ibi traduntur suis heris et dominis, qui tali quoque genio sunt, heri et domini explorant et vident indolem eorum, et amant illos emendare variis modis, fuerunt qui in vita corporis polluerunt ingenio.

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