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《灵界经历》 第5187节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5187

5187. About the wisdom of the angels

All the wisdom the angels have is given by means of the Word since in its inner and inmost sense there is Divine wisdom which is communicated to the angels through the Word when it is being read by people on earth and when their thinking is based on it. But still it should be known that this wisdom is given to them indirectly through angels who were from the Most Ancient and from the Ancient Church. They had knowledge and perception of [the meaning of] symbolism and correspondence. They had been of such a nature in the world that they knew the inner mysteries of the Church and knew about correspondence. Wisdom is communicated through these angels, and when it is communicated, it appears with those who receive it as if it were their own. This is the way it is with communication. On this account angels from the most ancient Churches are scattered throughout the heavens so that others may have wisdom.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5187


All the wisdom of the angels is given by means of the Word, since, in its internal and inmost sense, it is the Divine Wisdom, which is communicated to the angels, through the Word, when this is read by men, and when thought is exercised from it. But, still, it is necessary to be known that wisdom is given them, mediately, through angels from the Most Ancient and Ancient Churches, who were in the science and perception of representatives and correspondences. They were of such a description, when in the world, that they knew the internal arcana of the Church, and correspondences. Through these, wisdom is communicated; and, when it is communicated, it appears, with those who receive it, as if it were their own. Thus the case is with [this] communication; and, for this reason, angels from the Most Ancient Churches are scattered throughout the heavens, in order that the others may enjoy wisdom.

Experientiae Spirituales 5187 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5187. De Sapientia Angelorum

Omnis sapientia angelorum datur medio Verbo, quoniam in sensu ejus interno et intimo est sapientia Divina, quae communicatur angelis per Verbum cum hoc legitur ab hominibus, et cum ex illo cogitatur, sed usque sciendum est, quod sapientia illis detur mediate per angelos qui fuerunt ab Antiquissima et ab Antiqua Ecclesia, qui in scientia et perceptione repraesentativorum et correspondentiarum fuerunt, illi tales fuerunt in mundo, ut arcana Ecclesiae interna noverint, ac correspondentias, per illos communicatur sapientia, et cum communicatur apparet apud illos qui recipiunt sicut sua esset, ita se habet cum communicatione, quapropter angeli ab antiquissimis Ecclesiis dispersi sunt per coelos, ut sapientia aliis sit.

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