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《灵界经历》 第5260节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5260

5260. Those who are still better, who are those who enjoy more discernment than others, were brought forward where there is a communication with the Christian heaven. It is an in-between space where those are who are instructed accept the Lord, and from there they are taken to the south and have a heaven behind the Christians there so that they too constitute the outer regions there.

[5260] 1/2. There are two Mohammeds. They have their place among Christians below at the left. Because these began to rebel against the Lord, claiming power to themselves, the one who is nearest was therefore cast down from his place into the deepest depths and there bound in chains, to the point that he cannot move. And this [happened] along with his aides. I saw the land under them open and saw [them] swallowed up.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5260

5260. Those who were still better, who are such as have enjoyed greater light than the rest, were brought to the front where there is communication with the Christian heaven - it is an intermediate space - and there, being instructed, they receive the Lord, and are thence borne right away towards the south, and there have their heaven behind the Christians in that part; so that they constitute, also, the remoter borders there.

5260a. There are two Mohammeds; and they have their place among the Christians, on the left, beneath. Inasmuch as they began to rebel against the Lord, by arrogating power to themselves, therefore, the one who was nearest was cast down from his place into the very depth, and was there bound in chains to such a degree that he cannot move himself; and this along with his satellites. I saw the earth open under them, and they were swallowed up.

Experientiae Spirituales 5260 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5260. Qui adhuc meliores sunt, qui sunt qui gavisi lumine prae reliquis, deducebantur anterius, ubi communicatio est cum Christiano coelo, est interstitiale spatium, ubi instructi recipiunt Dominum, et illi inde perferuntur versus meridiem, et ibi coelum suum habent post Christianos ibi, sic ut quoque illi constituant ulteriora ibi.

[5[260] 1/2. Bini sunt Mahumedes, qui locum suum habent inter Christianos a sinistro infra, illi quia coeperunt rebellare contra Dominum, vindicando sibi potestatem, ideo unus qui proximus, dejectus e loco suo in profundissimum ibi vinctus catenis, usque ut se non possit emovere; hoc cum aulicis ejus, terram sub illis se aperuisse vidi [illos] deglutitos.

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