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《灵界经历》 第5294节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5294

5294. They put dust of the earth, which they solemnly believed to be truth, in hiding places in their cells. Then the earth beneath their treasure-chests immediately began to boil up and their treasure chests were overturned. This happened where their choicer [treasures] were. And then there was an earthquake and many from neighboring hells were thrown in. Terrified and panicked by this, everyone there rushed out of all their monasteries and went through caves to the mountain plateau where a huge number of Jesuits and monks were seen who in the world had been clever at devising schemes, tricks and plots. Those in the palaces there were quiet until the monasteries were emptied; they stood at the windows. Nonetheless they too, shaken by the earthquake, rushed out.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5294

5294. They placed in their inner cells, dust of the ground, which they solemnly believe to be gold, 1and then, immediately, the ground there, under the treasures, began to bubble up, and thus [the cells] to be overthrown. This happened where their more precious things were; and, next, an earthquake followed, and many were cast in from the neighboring hells. Hence there fell upon them a panic; and all they who were there rushed out of all the monasteries, and betook themselves through the shafts to the level of the mountain, where there then appeared a vast multitude of Jesuits and monks, skilful, when in the world, in learning, arts, and intrigues. Those who were in the palaces there, who were standing at the windows, kept quiet till after the monasteries had been deserted; but, being at length affrighted by the earthquake, they also burst out.


1. Dr. Immanuel Tafel, the Latin Editor, reads verum (truth), instead of, as the context unmistakably demands, aurum (gold). -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5294 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5294. Ponebant in cellis suis interioribus pulverem ex humo quam credebant sancte verum, et tunc statim incepit humus ibi sub thesauris ebullire, et sic everti, quod factum ubi meliora eorum: et dein factus est terrae motus, et injecti plures ex infernis vicinis, inde illis terror panicus, et ruebant ex monasteriis suis omnibus omnes qui ibi, et se contulerunt per antra in planitiem montanam, ubi tunc apparuit ingens multitudo Jesuitarum et monachorum ingeniosorum in mundo quoad studia, artes, et machinationes. Quieverunt usque dum monasteria evacuata sunt illi qui in palatiis ibi, qui steterant in fenestris, sed usque ex terrae motu etiam illi perculsi, eruperunt.

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