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《灵界经历》 第5389节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5389

5389. 1At that time I also saw that [others] were led out from the western quarter and raised into heaven in place of them, a virtual multitude. They were those who had lain hidden in various places there from the first period of Christianity and had been guarded by the Lord lest they be led astray by the evil, especially by the papists who were toward the front there. The multitude of Christians had lain hidden there and had been protected by the Lord. These are they who are spoken about in Revelation, Chap.


1. Paragraphs 5381 to 5388 are missing in the original manuscript.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5389

5389. 1Then, also, I saw that there were brought forth, from the western quarter, and raised into heaven, to their place, as many as a multitude of people, who were those who have been concealed in that part in various places there, from the first times of Christianity, and guarded by the Lord lest they should be seduced by the evil, especially by the Papists who are at the front there. A multitude of Christians was there hidden, and guarded by the Lord - who are they who are treated of in the Apocalypse, chapter 20,


1. The numbering in the original leaps from 5380 to 5389, as here. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5389 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5389. 1

Vidi etiam tunc quod ex occidentali plaga educi et elevari in coelum [alios], loco illorum, ad multitudinem, qui fuerunt qui a tempore primo Christianismi ibi reconditi latuerunt, in variis locis ibi, et custoditi a Domino, ne seducerentur a malis imprimis papistis qui antrorsum ibi, multitudo Christianorum ibi latuit, et custodita a Domino, qui sunt de quibus in Apocalypsi Cap.


1. 5381-5388 desunt

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