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《灵界经历》 第5392节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5392

5392. After this I saw those men and women brought out of heaven who had led a life of piety, in actuality an idle one, and had been constantly meditating about God and were immersed in praying and making supplications. And they knew nothing whatever of [Christian] doctrine other than that God had remitted their sins. But they were ignorant of what sins are, because they did not know the truth. When they saw other's worldly possessions and civil concerns, they said these must be left and God worshiped, and therefore condemned others and looked down on them in comparison with themselves, placing everything of salvation in such piety and not in a life in accord with the precepts of the Lord. Those in heaven said that these lived at one side there and that if they meet these pious spirits or look in that direction, these bring on a sadness that interrupts their joys and also dims the truths forming their understanding and wisdom and make it seem as if they had nothing to do with this, but that nonetheless these pious spirits were tolerated, although they wish that these would go away.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5392

5392. Afterwards, I saw brought out of heaven, men and women who have led a life of piety, and in fact an idle life, who continually meditated about God and were in prayer and supplications, but did not know, from doctrine, anything except that God remits their sins. They did not know what sins are; and this because they were ignorant of truth. They were also such, that, when they beheld worldly matters and civil cares in others, they said that these things ought to be abandoned and God worshipped, and therefore condemned others, and despised them in comparison with themselves - placing all things relating to salvation in such a life of piety, and not in a life according to the Lord's commandments. Those in heaven said of these, that they dwelt there at one side, and that if they encounter them or direct a look thither, they occasion a sadness which corrupts their joys, and also deadens the truths of their intelligence and wisdom and causes them to be as it were oblivious to what is going on; but that [such characters] are tolerated, although they [i.e. the rest] wished them away.

Experientiae Spirituales 5392 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5392. Postea vidi eductos e coelo illos et illas qui pietatis vitam egerunt, et quidem otiosam, qui continue meditati sunt de Deo, et in oratione ac precibus fuerunt, nec quicquam aliud sciverunt ex doctrina, quam ut Deus remittat peccata sua, non scientes quid peccata, ita quia non quid verum; et qui cum mundana apud alios viderunt, et civiles curas, dixerunt, quod ex illis exeundum, et colendus Deus, et ideo alios damnarunt, et contemserunt prae se; in tali pietatis ponentes omnia salutis, et non in vita secundum praecepta Domini; dicebant in coelo de illis quod habitaverint ad unum latus ibi, et quod si conveniunt illos, aut spectant illuc, quod inducant tristitiam, quae interpolat eorum gaudia, et quoque hebetat vera intelligentiae et sapientiae eorum, ac facit sicut nihil ad rem forent, sed quod usque tolerati, tametsi voluerint ut abessent.

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