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《灵界经历》 第5394节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5394

5394. 1These were all brought down onto the northern plane lest they distress others who are in heaven and sadden them. Because they are ignorant in regard to such things as lead to heaven, they were let down into the northern quarter. And it was said that they are allowed to live together, but that since this kind of behavior was never commanded, they ought not by any means lead a life of leisure, their hands idle, going about in pretended melancholy.


1. Paragraph 5393 is missing in the original manuscript.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5394

5394. 1All of them were brought down to a place in the north, that they might not harass, and plunge in sadness, others, who are in heaven. They were brought down to the northern quarter, because they were in ignorance of such things as lead to heaven; and it was said that they were allowed to dwell together, but that they ought by no means to pass a slothful life and thus hang their heads and go as it were melancholy, inasmuch as such conduct has never been commanded.


1. The numbering strictly follows the original, omitting number 5393. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5394 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5394. 1

Illi omnes delati sunt in planitiem septentrionalem, ne angustarent et in tristitiam adigerent alios qui in coelo, in septentrionalem plagam delati sunt, quia in ignorantia talium quae ducunt ad coelum: et dictum ut liceat illis habitare simul; sed quod nequaquam agere debeant vitam otiosam, et sic remittere manus, ac ire quasi melancholici, quoniam tale nusquam mandatum est.


1. 5393 deest

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