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《灵界经历》 第5397节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5397

5397. In what is called the Athanasian Creed the following are said: the three persons are not mixed together nor separate as to what is Divine; and that like the Father, so also the Son is uncreate, infinite, eternal, omnipotent, God, Lord; nevertheless there are not three but one God: the Father was not made, created or born; the Son was not made by the Father, or created, but born; the holy spirit was not made, created, born, but proceeding - none of them is first and last, or greatest or least, but the three are similarly eternal and great; --Christ is true man, He is the Son of God, God and man: God from the nature of the Father, man from the nature the mother: equal to the Father as to the Divine, less than the Father as to the human: but although God and man, still they are not two, but there is one Christ; He is a one, but not in such a way that the Divine is changed into the human, but the Divine takes the human to itself; He is entirely one, but not in such a way that the two natures are mixed together but there is one only person, because just as the body and the soul make one man, so God and man are one Christ; He suffered for our salvation, etc. 1


1. This paragraphs is in italics.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5397

5397. In the Creed called the Athanasian, the following things are said: that the three persons are not commixed, nor separated; as to the Divine, and that as the Father is, so also is the Son, uncreate, infinite, eternal, omnipotent, God and Lord; but, yet, they are not three [Gods] but one God; The Father not made, created, or born; The Son not made, or created, but born of the Father; The Holy Spirit not made, created, or born, but proceeding; No one of them is first or last, nor greatest or least, but the three are alike eternal and great; That Christ is very man; that He is the Son of God: God and man; God from the nature of the Father, man from the nature of the mother; equal to the Father as touching His Divinity, less than the Father as touching his Humanity: but, although God and man, yet, nevertheless, those are not two, but He is one Christ: He is one, but not in such wise that the Divine is changed into the Human, but the Divine takes the Human to itself; He is one altogether, but not in such wise that the two natures are mixed; but there is one only person, because just as body and soul makes one man, so God and man is one Christ - who suffered for our salvation, etc. 1


1. This paragraph is in italics indicating a quotation.

Experientiae Spirituales 5397 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5397. In fide Symbolica quae Athanasii vocatur, haec dicuntur quod tres personae non sint commixtae, nec separatae quoad Divinum, et quod sicut Pater etiam Filius, increatus, infinitus, aeternus, omnipotens, Deus, Dominus, sed usque non tres sed unus Deus, Pater non factus, creatus aut natus, Filius a Patre non factus, aut creatus, sed natus, spiritus sanctus non factus, creatus, natus, sed procedens, nemo eorum primus et ultimus, nec maximus aut minimus, sed tres similiter aeterni et magni; - -Christus quod verus homo, quod sit Filius Dei, Deus et homo: Deus ex natura Patris, homo ex natura matris: aequalis Patri quoad Divinum, minor Patre quoad humanum: at tametsi Deus et homo, usque tamen non sunt duo, sed est unus Christus: est unus at non ita, quod Divinum sit mutatum in humanum, sed Divinum recepit ad se humanum; est prorsus unus, sed non ita, quod binae naturae sint commixtae, sed est unica persona, quia sicut corpus et anima facit unum hominem, ita Deus et homo est unus Christus; qui passus pro salute nostra, etc.

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