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《灵界经历》 第5403节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5403

5403. There is also a stagnant marsh in the southern region, into which those who have secretly been whores are hurled. There are very many from the nobility (St.) 1. Those are hurled there who have been superficial, and who consequently think and speak just as people in the world do, and most of them in language like that in the world. There are very many like this, and they are in a natural not a spiritual aura due to their not knowing the truths of faith. Those who are such and are whores are hurled into a southern stagnant region; the rest are also like this to the south.


1. This may refer to Pres. Stjerncrona mentioned in 4754.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5403

5403. There is also a marshy pond in the southern region, into which are cast those who have been harlots clandestinely. Very many of those there are of noble condition (St.). Into this [also] are cast those who have been external men, all of whom thought and spoke like men in the world, and, for the most part, in such language as there is in the world. Such ones are numerous; and they are in a natural sphere, not in a spiritual, for the reason that they have not known the truths of faith. Those who are of such a character, and the harlots, are cast into the southern pond; the rest, also, who are such, are in the south.

Experientiae Spirituales 5403 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5403. Est etiam stagnum paludinosum in tractu meridionali, in quod conjiciuntur quae clam meretrices fuerunt, ibi sunt perplures ex nobili conditione (St.) : illuc conjiciuntur qui externi fuerunt, quique inde cogitarunt et loquuti sunt sicut homines in mundo, et plerique lingua quali in mundo, tales plures sunt, et sunt in naturali sphaera non in spirituali, ex causa quia non sciverunt vera fidei, qui tales et meretrices in stagnum meridionale conjiciuntur, reliqui etiam tales ad meridiem.

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