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《灵界经历》 第541节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 541

541. As regards their speaking with their spirits, there are two kinds of evil spirits who molest them. 1One kind is their worst. When he comes, a trembling and a kind of fear seizes them collectively, such as also seized me visibly when he came to me, so that I trembled, deeply frightened.

Looking at him as he was placed before me, I saw that he was a dark being, like a dark cloud, with several stars in front of him. He came up to my left side, retreating toward my back. He spoke with me, trying to talk with me in the same way as he did with them, but he was prevented by their angels, about whom something will be told presently [542]. He said that he could find out all that they had thought and done, which he does actually draw out of their memory. This is easy for spirits to do, when the Lord permits it.

Thus he wanted to reprove me for things I had thought and done, which he wanted to bring out, but it had been forbidden him. Still, he said that this is how he reproves others, surprised that he could not do so with me. He said that he is also allowed to chastise them by punishments, such as pains in the joints, even to such an intensity that they can bear it no longer - such as a twisting of the joints in the fingers, and feet, and also by some pains like gentle pricks in the face - subject to permission.


1. The second kind is spoken of in 545.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 541

541. In regard to their speech with their spirits, there are two kinds of evil spirits who infest them. One kind is the worst of them. When such a one comes a horror with a certain fear seizes them in general, like that which also manifestly seized upon me when one came to me, so that being interiorly terrified, I was horror-struck as I beheld him presented before me. He was dark, like a dark cloud, with a number of stars before him. He applied himself to my left side, inclining himself towards the back. He spoke with me, and wanted to speak in the same manner with one as he did with the inhabitants of Jupiter, but he was prevented by their angels (concerning whom presently). That spirit said he could know all that they had thought and done, which he also drew forth from their memory; this is an easy matter with spirits when the Lord permits. In such a way he wanted to reprove me for things thought and done, which he wanted to bring forth, but it was forbidden him. He said that in this way he reproved others, and wondered that he could not do so to me. He also said that it was allowed him to castigate them with punishments even to such a degree that they could bear it no longer, as by pains in the joints, or by twisting the joints of the fingers and of the feet, and also by certain, as it were, gentle prickings in the face, according to permission.

Experientiae Spirituales 541 (original Latin 1748-1764)

541. Quod loquelam eorum cum spiritibus eorum attinet, sunt duplicis generis mali spiritus, qui eos infestant, unum genus 1

est eorum pessimum, quando is venit, horror cum timore quodam occupat eos in communi, quaIis etiam me occupavit manifeste, quando ad me venit, sic ut interius territus horruerim; cum spectarem oblatus is mihi, erat obscurus quidam, sicut nubes obscura cum stellis ante se, aliquot, qui se adplicuit ad sinistrum meum latus, versus tergum se inclinans, is loquebatur mecum, et volebat similiter loqui mecum, ac cum iis, sed ab eorum angelis impeditus est, de quibus mox [542], is dicebat se posse omnia eorum cogitata facta scire, quae etiam ex memoria eorum depromit, quod facile est spiritibus, Domino permittente, sic volebat me redarguere ex cogitatis factis, quae voluit depromere, sed ei vetitum erat, usque dicebat quod sic arguat alios, miratus quod me non potuisset, dixit etiam quod liceat ei castigare eos suppliciis, sicut per dolores artuum, usque tantum dolorem, ut non amplius sustinere queant, sicut per contorsionem artuum digitorum, pedum, etiam per quosdam quasi lenes punctationes in facie, secundum permissionem.


1. de altero genere agitur in 545

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