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《灵界经历》 第5463节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5463

5463. Evil and hellish spirits who have been given liberty for the purpose of serving people, thus who are in the world of spirits, know how to lead all those who think about themselves, and also do lead wherever they desire, even toward whatever hell, in so far as they can turn their thoughts to themselves. But those who do not turn to themselves, but to others whom they regard as more worthy than themselves, especially if they turn to the Lord, these they cannot move. When people think about themselves, they have a love of self and of the world for the sake of self if they set themselves above others and [think] that they are capable of doing and knowing more than others and that they are superior to them; but those who think about others have charity toward the neighbor and faith and love for God. Evil and hellish spirits know how to turn the thoughts of another spirit in upon himself by various tricks, and thus how to lead him wherever they wish, some by magical tricks, some by tricks of fantasy, some by a communication of thoughts and an inflow from themselves at that moment:

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5463

5463. Evil and infernal spirits who have been released in order that they may minister to men - thus who are in the world of spirits - all know how to lead those who think of themselves; and they also do lead [them] whithersoever, even towards whatever hell, they will, as far as they are able to turn their thoughts to self; but those who do not [direct their thoughts] to self, but to others whom they esteem more worthy than themselves, especially if to the Lord, they are unable to move. When a man thinks of self he is in the love of self, and of the world for the sake of self - if he prefers himself before others, and [considers] that he is abler and knows more than they, and is superior to others; but they who think of others, are in charity towards the neighbor, and in faith and love towards God. Evil and infernal spirits know how, by various arts, to turn the thoughts of another spirit upon himself, and thus to lead him whithersoever they will. Some do it by magical art; some by arts of phantasy; some from communication of the thoughts and by influx from themselves at the time:

Experientiae Spirituales 5463 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5463. Spiritus mali et infernales qui soluti sunt ut serviant hominibus, ita qui in mundo spirituum, sciunt ducere omnes illos qui de se cogitant, et quoque ducunt quocunque volunt, etiam versus quaecunque inferna, quantum possunt cogitationes illorum in se vertere, at qui non ad se, sed ad alios quos ita dignos reputant ac se, maxime si ad Dominum, illos non possunt movere; cum homo de se cogitat, est in amore sui, et mundi pro se, si se praefert aliis, et [putat] se posse plus et scire plus, et eminere prae aliis, at qui cogitant de aliis, in charitate erga proximum sunt, et in fide ac amore in Deum. Spiritus mali et infernales variis artibus sciunt vertere cogitationes alterius spiritus in semet ipsum, et sic ducere quocunque volunt, quidam arte magica, quidam arte phantastica, quidam ex communicatione cogitationum, et per influxum a se tunc:

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