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《灵界经历》 第5480节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5480

5480. Afterwards I saw that a great number were ascending from a lower earth in the western region toward the south there. They were brought into the mountains in the east, into the place of those who had been thrown down from there, spoken of above (5476ַ7); for when those who are evil are hurled into a hell, then those who are good follow in their place, a great number of whom have been hidden by the Lord and held safe in the lower earth and in this way taken away from contagion by evils and introduced to spiritual life. It was said that those were like this who in their youth have learned the doctrines of the Church for the sake of a reputation for learning, but afterwards, led by the Lord have become steeped in the Christian life through these, and in so far as this happened, shed [that] pride in a reputation for being learned.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5480

5480. After this, it was seen that a large number who were there, rose up from the lower earth in the western region towards the southern; also of those who were carried into the mountains which were in the east in place of those who were cast down therefrom, whom above [no. 5427a]. For, when evil spirits are cast into hell, then good ones succeed in their place, most of whom have been concealed and reserved by the Lord in the lower earth, and thus taken away from the contagion of the evil and there initiated into spiritual life. It was said that they were such as have learned the doctrinals of the Church in youth for the sake of the reputation of being learned in such matters; but afterwards, led by the Lord, they have, by their means, imbued the Christian life, and, as far as they have done this, so far have put off the pride of erudition.

Experientiae Spirituales 5480 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5480. Postea visum quod ex inferiore terra in tractu occidentali versus meridionalem, assurgerent magnus numerus qui ibi, qui ferebantur in montes qui in oriente, in locum illorum qui inde dejecti sunt, de quibus supra [5476-5477], nam cum mali conjiciantur in infernum, tunc boni loco illorum succedunt, quorum plerique a Domino reconditi sunt et reservati in inferiori terra, ita exemti a contagio malorum, et ibi initiati vitae spirituali. Dicebatur quod essent tales, qui in pueritia didicerunt doctrinalia Ecclesiae propter famam eruditionis tunc, sed postea ducti a Domino imbuerunt vitam Christianam per illa, et quantum hoc tantum fastum eruditionis exuerunt.

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