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《灵界经历》 第5564节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5564

5564. About the speech and wisdom in heaven

Spiritual speech is universal, from mental images, but its sound, or rather its articulation, flows from the affection itself which is natural to it, so that the affection expresses itself through sound, that is, it is articulated through those [speaking], just as every affection has a natural gesture along with it. Accordingly, the sound of their speech, that is to say their words, flows from the whole spirit. Mental images are born of the affections, which also are similarly formed in the spiritual body. But for the most part what spirits speak among themselves cannot be expressed in earthly language or speech, for it does not fall into words or into the sensory mental images of the thought that a person has when in a material body; when in the body they are of a general nature.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5564


Spiritual speech is universal, from ideas; but its sound, or its articulation, flows from the very affection itself which is natural to one; so that the affection expresses itself by the sound, that is, the articulation, with them; like as every affection has natural gestures along with it. Consequently, the sound of the speech, or their words, flow from the entire spirit. The ideas are of the affection; and these, also, are similarly formed in the spiritual [region] of the spirit's body. But what spirits speak amongst themselves, cannot, as respects the greatest part, be expressed in natural language or speech; for it does not fall into the words, neither into the sensual ideas, of the thought which is with man in the body. In the body are the generals of things.

Experientiae Spirituales 5564 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5564. De loquela et sapientia in coelo

Loquela spiritualis est universalis, ex ideis, sed sonus ejus, seu articulatum ejus fluit ex ipsa affectione, quae ei naturalis, sic ut affectio semet exprimat per sonum, hoc est articulatum apud illos, sicut omnis affectio habet naturales gestus secum, proinde sonus loquelae seu voces eorum fluunt ex toto spiritu; ideae sunt affectionis, quae quoque in spirituali ejus corpore similiter formantur. At quae inter se loquuntur spiritus, non potest quoad plurimam partem exprimi lingua seu loquela naturali, nam non cadit in voces, nec in ideas sensuales cogitationis quae est homini in corpore, in corpore sunt communia.

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