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《灵界经历》 第5579节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5579

5579. In addition it was said to me from heaven that their writing there in the Heavenly kingdom was entirely different from the writing in the spiritual Kingdom. In the spiritual kingdom it is done using words written in conversation similar to that which is in the world, but the words they have are from their natural or universal language which all spirits and angels know. I have often seen such Latin letters, and when I was in the natural aura, I understood nothing at all; there were words, but they were not understood. However, they were understood by every spirit, whoever it was. It was written according to their natural language, about which above [5564 seq.].

[2] But the writing of the heavenly angels is entirely different. It consists of various bending lines in various forms, and every bend and curve means something. In this way in spiritual language they express in one such form more things than can be expressed in very many words, and for all that only some things can be thoroughly brought out. The heavenly angels know how to write and read this perfectly. This is done without previous instruction.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5579

5579. Moreover, it was told me out of heaven that their writing there, in the celestial kingdom, was wholly different from the writing in the spiritual kingdom. In the spiritual kingdom, it occurs through words written in a like diction to that which is written in the world, but their words there belong to their natural 1or universal language, in which all spirits and angels are versed. I often saw such words in the Roman characters; but, when I was in the natural 2sphere I understood nothing at all of it. There were the words, but they were not understood; but they are understood by any spirit you please, whoever he may be. It was according to their natural 1language which before. But the writing of the celestials is entirely different. It consists of various inflections in various forms; and every curvature and inflection signifies something. And thus they express, in one such form, more things than can be expressed by very, very many words in the spiritual tongue; while, yet, it is only some exterior things [that they express]. Thus, celestial angels know perfectly how to write and read; and this without any previous instruction.


1. The word, "natural" is used in contradistinction to "artificial" or "acquired." -ED.

2. In this case, "natural" is used to distinguish from "spiritual." -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5579 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5579. Porro dictum mihi e coelo, quod scriptura eorum esset ibi in Coelesti regno prorsus diversa a scriptura in spirituali Regno, in spirituali regno fit per voces, scriptas sermone simili quo in mundo, sed voces illis ibi sunt ex lingua eorum naturali seu universali, quam callent omnes spiritus et angeli, vidi tales latinis literis saepe, et cum in naturali sphaera eram nihil prorsus intelligebam, voces erant sed non intellectae, at a quolibet spiritu intellectae, quicunque sit; erat secundum linguam eorum naturalem, de qua prius [5564 seqq.]; sed coelestium scriptura est prorsus alia, consistit ex inflexionibus variis, in formas varias, et quaelibet inflexio et curvatura, significat aliquid, ita exprimunt una tali forma plura quam potest exprimi perplurimis vocibus in lingua spirituali, et tamen modo aliqua exhauriri. Hoc sciunt coelestes perfecte scribere et legere, fit hoc absque praecedente informatione.

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