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《灵界经历》 第5586节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5586

5586. A certain spirit turned himself to me and spoke in my language, and when he spoke to spirits he spoke in spiritual language, and he noticed the difference.

The speech of angelic spirits is pleasant and differs from the mental imagery of others because their inward mental images are full of truth from good. Evil spirits do not understand their speech when they speak together from mental imagery.

[2] The speech of the evil is filthy, and good spirits do not want to hear it.

[3] The speech of heavenly beings is of an outward nature, for they do not speak of anything other than those things that they see, and not what they hear.

[4] These things were written in the presence of the spirit who had no mental images but spoke only from the inward memory without mental images. Therefore I was unable to describe these from thought. He hindered me by such [inability].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5586

5586. A certain spirit turned himself to me and spoke in my language, but when to a spirit, he spoke in the spiritual tongue. He also observed the distinction; that, namely, the speech of angelic spirits is sweet, and differs from the ideas of others, because their interior ideas are filled with truths from good. Evil spirits do not understand the speech of these, when they speak from their ideas as well as [from the interior memory 1].

The speech of the evil is foul, and good spirits do not like to hear it.

The speech of the celestial is external; for they do not talk about anything else than those things which they see, and not those which they bear.)

(These things were written when a spirit was present who had no ideas, but only spoke from the interior memory apart from ideas. 1Therefore, I was not able to describe it from thought. By means of so acting he prevented me.)


1. The reader will find in the second of two places marked thus, our warrant for filling out the sense in the first of them as we have done. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5586 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5586. Quidam spiritus vertit se ad me et loquutus mea lingua, et cum ad spiritus loquutus est spirituali lingua, is observavit discrimina. Loquela spirituum angelicorum est dulcis, et differt ab ideis aliorum, quia interiores eorum ideae plenae sunt veris ex bono, illorum loquelam non intelligunt mali spiritus, cum ex ideis simul loquuntur.

[2] Loquela malorum est spurca, et non audire illam volunt boni spiritus.

[3] Loquela coelestium est externa, nam non loquuntur aliter quam illa quae vident, et non quae audiunt.

[4] Haec scripta sunt praesente spiritu, qui nullas ideas habuit, sed solum loquutus ex memoria interiore, absque ideis, ideo non potui describere illa ex cogitatione, impedivit me per tale. 1


1. hic articulus alio ac solito modo nempe lineis verticalibus deletus est in ms.

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