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《灵界经历》 第5591节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5591

5591. Through their common speech, spirits can all be together and talk: heavenly with spiritual spirits, spiritual spirits with spirits of whatever kind, all of whatever religion they are, even angels with hellish spirits. The only difference is that they all speak in agreement with the feelings of their own minds so they are able to reason and argue, and the thinking does not manifest itself otherwise than through verbal speech just as in the world. But the angels cannot bear the speech of those from hell on account of the falsities and filthy things that they speak, and those from hell cannot bear angels speaking on account of the truths and good affections.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5591

5591. Through the common speech of spirits all are able to be and converse together, both the celestials with the spirituals, and the spirituals with spirits of whatever kind, - all, of whatsoever religion they are: likewise, angels with infernals. The only difference is, that everyone speaks according to his own opinion of mind. Thus, they are able to reason and to dispute. Neither does thought manifest itself otherwise than through a speech of words, as in the world. But angels cannot bear infernals speaking, on account of the falsities and foulnesses which they speak; and infernals cannot bear angels speaking, on account of the truths and good affections [they utter].

Experientiae Spirituales 5591 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5591. Per loquelam communem spirituum possunt omnes simul esse et loqui, tam coelestes cum spiritualibus, spirituales cum spiritibus cujuscunque generis, omnes cujuscunque religionis sunt, etiam angeli cum infernalibus, differentia modo est, quod quisque loquatur secundum sui animi sensa, sic ratiocinari possunt, et disputare, nec elucet cogitatio aliter quam per loquelam vocum, sicut in mundo, at angeli non possunt tolerare infernales loquentes ob falsitates et spurcities quas loquuntur, et infernales non tolerant angelos loquentes ob veritates, et affectiones bonas.

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