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《灵界经历》 第5645节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5645

5645. A person's spirit appears in the other life

Sometimes an earthly person as to the spirit appears to be another among the others there. They said that they frequently see them, and nevertheless they can tell from several indications that it is not a spirit come there from the world after death. But this happens more with those who think inwardly in themselves more deeply than the rest, for then their thought is drawn away from sensory matters having to do with the body, and so it is seen. However, those who think only on their sense-level and do not raise their thoughts above this, never appear. Spirits do not know anything about a person, or where the person is, since the body does not appear before their eyes, just as a spirit does not before the person's eyes. Some searched intensely, but found nothing. Those who were malicious did this, but they were rejected; for if evil spirits knew where a person is and that they were with a person, they would destroy him entirely, and in this way they would destroy the whole human race, because such is their inward viciousness. They also regard people on earth as vile and are utterly contemptuous [of them]. But the Lord loves people.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5645


Sometimes man appears as to his spirit among others there. They said that they sometimes see them, and nevertheless know that it is not a spirit as yet after decease from the world, from certain signs. But it happens only with those who think inwardly in themselves more deeply than the rest. At the time, with him, his thought is withdrawn from the sensuals of the body, and he appears thus. They, however, who think only in their sensual, and do not raise their thoughts above it, never appear. Nor do spirits know anything about man, where he is; inasmuch as the corporeal does not appear before their eyes, as spirits do not appear before men's eyes. Some have searched into this matter, at great pains, but have not found out. The wicked did this, but they were foiled; for, if evil spirits knew where man is, and that they were with man, they would destroy him utterly, and thus the whole human race; for such is their interior ferocity. They also hold men as of no value, and altogether despise them. But the Lord loves men.


1. This numbering is the same as in the original with 5644 omitted. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5645 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5645. Quod spiritus hominis appareat in altera vita

Appareat quandoque homo quoad spiritum alium inter alios ibi, dixerunt quod videant aliquoties illos, et tamen cognoscant quod non spiritus sit adhuc post obitum e mundo, ex signis aliquibus, sed hoc fit tantum apud illos, qui intus in se cogitant altius quam reliqui, tunc enim abducitur cogitatio ejus a sensualibus corporis, et sit apparet, qui autem in sensuali suo cogitant solum, et non elevant cogitationes suas supra illud, nusquam apparent. Nec sciunt spiritus aliquid de homine, ubinam est, quoniam corporeum non apparet coram oculis eorum, sicut nec spiritus coram oculis hominum; aliqui inquisiverunt impense, sed non invenerunt; hoc malitiosi fecerunt sed illi rejecti sunt; nam spiritus mali si nossent ubi homo, et quod essent apud hominem, illum perderent prorsus, et sic totum humanum genus, nam talis est eorum saevitia interior, etiam homines pro vilibus habent, et prorsus contemnunt. Sed Dominus amat homines.

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