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《灵界经历》 第5647节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5647

5647. Walking there involves [either] a total change or only a partial one. These changes are total when the inward elements in the outward ones act together. Then when they walk, they walk with their whole selves; then they come to where they were going, they are there apparently with respect to a place, but it is really with respect to a state of their life, which is a state of affection, which is a matter of love, thus of the will. But limited walks are when the outer elements are at rest and the inner ones change state. They then also appear to themselves to be walking similarly and do not know otherwise, but yet it is not the whole spirit but only their intellect, the spirit still remaining in its own place, or rather, state. They know no otherwise than that they are walking, and most do not know the difference. But then the evil [are walking] in their fantasy because they are being influenced by their inner elements and by evil, and thus by insanity. The good, however, are then being influenced by their wisdom, but yet all come back voluntarily to their natural state and place.

A certain book was exhibited and was immediately taken away by another [spirit] on a mountain, which happened in an instant. I asked for an explanation of how this happened. They said that only happens by putting oneself in the state of another; and they said that he is immediately present with a book, and that when this happens they merely stretch out their hand, which is a sign.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5647

5647. Walkings there, are either total changes or only partial. They are total when interiors and exteriors act together. At such times, when they walk, they walk with the whole being, and where they then come there they wholly are; appearing there as respects place, but actually there as respects the state of their life, which is the state of the affection which is of love, consequently of the will. Walkings are partial changes, however, when the interiors are stationary and the exterior states change. 1Then, also, they appear to themselves in like manner to walk, nor do they know any difference; but, still, it is not the whole spirit, but only his intellectual: they themselves remaining in their own place, or state. Nor do they then know otherwise than that they are walking; and the majority do not distinguish [the one kind from the other]. But the evil are then in their phantasy, because in their interiors and in evil, therefore in insanity: the good, however, are then in their wisdom; but, yet, all fall back, in will, to their own state and place.

A certain book was exhibited, and was instantly taken away by another [spirit] upon a mountain which happened in a moment. I inquired the reason how this is. They said that it is only by placing one's self in the state of another; likewise, that presence with the book [occurs] instantly; and that, when this happens, they simply stretch out the hand - which is a sign.


1. The Latin edition has "when the exteriors are stationary and the interior states change;" but this is so entirely at variance with what follows, that we have assumed it to be a printer's error, and have therefore ventured the rendering embodied in the text. -ED.

Experientiae Spirituales 5647 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5647. Ambulationes ibi sunt mutationes totales, vel modo partiales, totales sunt quando interiora et exteriora simul agunt, tunc cum ambulant cum toto se ambulant, et ubi tunc veniunt, ibi sunt, apparenter quoad locum, sed actualiter quoad statum vitae suae, qui est status affectionis quae amoris, ita voluntatis; sed ambulationes partiales sunt quum exteriora quiescunt, et interiora mutant status, tunc quoque apparent sibi ambulare similiter, nec sciunt aliter, sed usque non totus spiritus sed solum intellectuale ejus, eo manente usque in suo loco seu statu; nec sciunt aliter tunc quam [quod] ambulent, et plerique non internoscunt, at mali tunc in phantasia sua, quia in interioribus suis et in malo ita in insania; boni autem tunc in sapientia sua, sed usque omnes relabuntur ad suum statum et locum voluntate. Liber quidam ostensus, et ille desumtus est illico ab alio super monte, quod factum momento, quaesivi causam quomodo hoc fit, dicebant quod modo fit per se ponere in statum alterius, et quod illico praesentia cum libro, et quod cum hoc fit exporrigant modo manum, quod est signum.

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