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《灵界经历》 第5692节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5692

5692. About the cunning and deceitful in the other life, [their] hells

The cunning and deceitful dwell for the most part in the western quarter, and they are there partly on high mountains, partly on plains, depending on their fantasies arising from self-love. Those who practiced cunning and deceit in secret are invisible to the others because they think within themselves and in this way remove their inner thoughts from the body and thus from the sight of others. There were spirits like this in great number on the mountains in the original quarter, in various places, and also invisible to me, but still they were detected. They are detected when they are let into their body in respect to their mental imagery, that is to say, into that which can be apprehended outwardly, and at that time they can speak affably and confirm whatever they want, be it evil or falsity itself, so that it appears as if it were true and good. Such are opposed to the Divine and make nothing of the things pertaining to the Church. In themselves they are sensual and are snakes, but more poisonous than others, like vipers. They also appear like them in the light of heaven. All and each individually are gathered in their own places in their heights there, depending on the nature of their deceit and cunning. But their lot is that they become more stupid than the rest because their inward regions are full of hidden acts of deceit and cunning, and deeply so. On this account the most cunning and deceitful are near the north there, where the most stupid are. Their hells are made up of those like this.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5692


The cunning and deceitful dwell, for the most part, in the western quarter; and, there, partly upon high mountains, and partly in the plain, according to the phantasies arising from their self-love. Those who practiced cunning and deceit in secret are invisible to others, because they think in themselves, and so remove the interiors from the body, thus from the observation of others. There were such, in great number, upon the mountains in the western quarter, in various places; they were also invisible to me, but still they were discovered. They are discovered, when, as to their ideas, they are let into the body, or the external sensual; and then they are able to speak courteously and do whatsoever they wish: even if it be falsity and evil itself, to confirm it so that it may appear like truth and good. Such are against the Divine, and make nothing of those things which are of the Church. In themselves they are sensual; they are also serpents, but more poisonous than others, and vipers: such, too, in the light of heaven, they appear. All and every single one of them are congregated in their places and in their heights there, according to the nature of their deceit and cunning; but their lot is, that they become more stupid than any others, because their interiors are filled with hidden and thus profound cunnings and deceits: wherefore, also, the most cunning and the most deceitful are near the north in that quarter, where the most stupid are. Such are their hells.

Experientiae Spirituales 5692 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5692. De astutis et dolosis in altera vita, inferna

Astuosi et dolosi plerique habitant in plaga occidentali, et ibi partim super editis montibus partim in planis, secundum phantasias ex amore sui, illi qui in occulto exercuerunt astus et dolos, inconspicui sunt aliis, quia cogitant in se, et sic removent interiora a corpore, sic a conspectu aliorum, erant tales magno numero super montibus in plaga originali, variis in locis, mihi quoque inconspicui, sed usque detecti, deteguntur cum mittuntur quoad ideas suas in corpus seu in sensuale externum, et tunc possunt loqui affabiliter, et quicquid volunt, sive ipsum falsum et malum foret, confirmare ut appareat sicut verum et bonum, tales sunt contra Divinum, et illa quae Ecclesiae sunt, nihili faciunt; in se sunt sensuales, et sunt serpentes, sed venenati prae aliis, ac viperae, tales etiam apparent in luce coeli, omnes et singuli congregantur secundum naturam doli et astus in suis locis, et in suis altis ibi, sed sors eorum est, quod fiant prae reliquis stupidi, quia interiora eorum dolis et astibus occultis et sic profundis plena, quare etiam astuosissimi et dolosissimi prope septentrionem ibi sunt, ubi stupidissimi, talium sunt eorum inferna.

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