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《灵界经历》 第5703节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5703

5703. Also of this nature are those who have confirmed their own doctrines with many [proofs] which, although they are false, still appear to them as true, depending on the number and nature of the confirmations. Those, however much they are told that truth is truth, do not grasp it in itself, but apart from itself, thus in their natural, that is to say, in their outward, not in their inward, person. People like this when examined do not have the faculty of understanding; in them it is dark and closed. However, simple good people who have not confirmed themselves [in false doctrines] have an inner openness and not only grasp [truths] better than those learned individuals but also believe truth when they hear it, especially from a good person.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5703

5703. Of a like character are those who have by many means confirmed their own doctrinals - which were nevertheless falsities - until they appeared to them as true, according to the extent and kind of the confirmation. These, howsoever it may be declared to them that the truth is true, do not apprehend it in themselves but outside themselves; thus, in natural or external light, not in internal. It is ascertained that such have not an Intellectual: with them, this is obscure and closed. But the simple good, who have not confirmed themselves, have the interior open, and not only apprehend more readily than those learned ones, but, also, when they hear the truth, believe - principally from good.

Experientiae Spirituales 5703 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5703. Similes etiam sunt illi qui multis confirmaverunt doctrinalia sua, quae tametsi falsa, usque illis apparent ut vera, secundum quantum et quale confirmationis, illi utcunque illis dicitur verum esse verum, non capiunt in se; sed extra se, ita in naturali seu externo homine, non in interno, tales explorati non habent intellectuale, est illis obscurum et clausum. At simplices boni qui non se confirmaverunt, habent apertum interius, et non modo capiunt prae doctis illis, sed etiam credunt cum audiunt verum, imprimis ex bono.

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