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《灵界经历》 第5705节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5705

5705. Investigation was made as to whether spirits like this can be raised into heavenly light, and it was gathered that they cannot because it is closed and cannot be opened. Certain Englishmen were present at the time who, because they have inner light, had been raised.

In general the case is that sensorial light appears just like spiritual light to the inexperienced, as long as it is not known if it is from the memory or from the understanding; and besides this, sensory light shines more brightly than inner light, because it is in the world. Especially those who are evil have sensorial light, and they are much more cunning than others, which is why they were called serpents by the Ancients, because they were all able to reason better than others.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5705

5705. Investigation was made as to whether such ones are able to be raised into heavenly light; and it was proved that they are not able, because [their Intellectual] is closed and cannot be opened. There were present, at the time, certain Englishmen, who, because they have interior light [lux], were elevated.

In general, the case is thus: That sensual lumen appears like spiritual lumen to the uninstructed, so long as it is not known whether it is from the memory or from the understanding; and, besides, sensual lumen is more brilliant than interior lumen, because it is in the world. Especially are those in sensual lumen who are evil; they are far more crafty than others: wherefore, they were called by the Ancients, serpents for they are better able to reason than others.

Experientiae Spirituales 5705 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5705. Exploratum est num tales possunt elevari in lucem coelestem, et compertum quod non possint, quia clausum est nec aperiri potest. Quidam Angli tunc erant praesentes, qui quia interiorem lucem habent, elevati sunt. In genere ita est, quod lumen sensuale appareat sicut lumen spirituale ignaris, dum non scitur si ex memoria vel ex intellectu, et praeterea lumen sensuale splendet prae lumine interiore, quia est in mundo, illi imprimis qui mali sunt in lumine sensuali sunt, et multo callidiores aliis, quare ab Antiquis dicti serpentes, nam ratiocinari possunt prae reliquis.

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