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《灵界经历》 第5709节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5709

5709. Following this I spoke about the foundations of truth, that there are two: one from the Word, the other from nature, that is to say, from the truths of nature. The foundation from the Word is for the whole of heaven, thus for those who are in the light of heaven, but the foundation from nature is for those who are natural and in natural light, thus for those who have confirmed themselves from the sense of the letter of the Word in things that are not true, even in falsities so that they may be convinced [by the truths of nature]: for they can no longer be convinced from the Word. Nevertheless, the one [foundation of truth] agrees with the other, as is learned from a consideration of certain things in the Word. Because knowledge has closed the understanding, it will also open it; and it is opened in so far as they have goodness [in their way of life].

[2] And it was found [from this] also that all things of heaven have their foundation in the laws of nature's order in the world and in man, which foundation remains constantly fixed, just as the body and the things pertaining to the body and its senses are fixed in comparison to the inward matters pertaining to the will and the understanding. However, because false concepts have closed the understanding, and all of thought's mental images are founded upon natural things, things like this will also be a foundation for those with whom there are false mental images.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5709

5709. Afterwards, I spoke about the foundations of truth, that they are two, one from the Word, the other from nature or from the truths of nature; and that the foundation from the Word is for the universal heaven, thus for those who are in the light [lux] of heaven; but the foundation from nature, for those who are natural and in natural light [lumen], thus for those who have confirmed themselves from the letter of the Word in things not true, yea, in falsities, so as to be convinced of them. For these are no longer able to be convinced from the Word. But, still, they [i.e., these two foundations of truth] agree the one with the other; which is proved by a contemplation of certain things in the Word. Since sciences have shut up the understanding, therefore, sciences may also open it; and it is opened so far as men are in good. And it was also proved that all things of heaven constantly have their foundation in the laws of the order of nature, in the world and in man, so that the foundation remains permanently fixed; just as are the body and the things which are of the body and its sensation, compared with the interior things which are of the will and understanding; but, still, because falsities have shut up the Intellectual, and all ideas of thought are based upon natural things, therefore, also, such things must be as a foundation to the former, with those whose ideas are false.

Experientiae Spirituales 5709 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5709. Deinde loquutus sum de veri fundamentis, quod bina sint, unum ex Verbo, alterum ex natura seu ex veritatibus naturae, quod fundamentum ex Verbo sit pro universo coelo, ita pro illis qui in luce coeli sunt, at fundamentum ex natura pro illis qui naturales sunt et in naturali lumine, ita pro illis qui se ex sensu literae Verbi confirmaverunt in non veris, imo in falsis ut evincantur: nam illi non amplius evinci possent ex Verbo; at usque unum cum altero concordat, quod expertum per intuitionem quorundam in Verbo, quia scientiae occluserunt intellectum ideo scientiae quoque aperient illum, et aperitur quantum in bono sunt. Et compertum etiam quod omnia coeli usque fundamentum suum habeant in legibus ordinis naturae in mundo et in homine, quod fundamentum jugiter manet fixum, sicut corpus et quae corporis, et ejus sensuum sunt respective ad interiora quae voluntatis et intellectus, sed usque quia falsa occluserunt intellectuale, ac ideae omnes cogitationis fundantur super naturalibus, ideo etiam talia pro fundamento erunt, illis apud quos falsae ideae sunt.

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