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《灵界经历》 第5720节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5720


That a man is his own good and his own truth, was shown from the obedience and unanimous agreement of the body with his spiritual world, or with his will and understanding. This appears to the life; so that when the man wills the body acts, and when the man thinks, he also speaks, with all the organs - the face also speaks too - to such a degree that the very will appears as it were in the body; so that, when the hand does anything, it is as if the will is in the hand; when the mouth speaks, that it is not the thought but the mouth with its organs; and so on with the rest: thus, that the man's will is everywhere in the body, and not as it were enthroned in one place, although its beginning is in the brain. Hence is plain what the body is, that it is only the Voluntary and Intellectual in a form. Why not [also] the spirit? - which is the man after death. This is more than a man, or [more than] will and understanding; for a spirit is nothing else in a form, which form also is the human, because the whole heaven, and the whole Divine, is from such a form and in such a form; and since such has been man's form in the world, still more must it be when he becomes a spirit. Hence it is that a spirit appears altogether according to his love, thus according to his will, or according to his interiors. It is plain, from this, that a man's life determines the quality of his spirit, and that he is such as his life is, thus as his will and understanding for the whole of man's life refers itself to those two, and proceeds from those two.


1. No. 5721 is placed after no. 5719, in compliance with the instructions conveyed by the Author's asterisks, which are reproduced. -TR.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5720


That a man is his own good and his own truth, was shown from the obedience and unanimous agreement of the body with his spiritual world, or with his will and understanding. This appears to the life; so that when the man wills the body acts, and when the man thinks, he also speaks, with all the organs - the face also speaks too - to such a degree that the very will appears as it were in the body; so that, when the hand does anything, it is as if the will is in the hand; when the mouth speaks, that it is not the thought but the mouth with its organs; and so on with the rest: thus, that the man's will is everywhere in the body, and not as it were enthroned in one place, although its beginning is in the brain. Hence is plain what the body is, that it is only the Voluntary and Intellectual in a form. Why not [also] the spirit? - which is the man after death. This is more than a man, or [more than] will and understanding; for a spirit is nothing else in a form, which form also is the human, because the whole heaven, and the whole Divine, is from such a form and in such a form; and since such has been man's form in the world, still more must it be when he becomes a spirit. Hence it is that a spirit appears altogether according to his love, thus according to his will, or according to his interiors. It is plain, from this, that a man's life determines the quality of his spirit, and that he is such as his life is, thus as his will and understanding for the whole of man's life refers itself to those two, and proceeds from those two.


1. No. 5721 is placed after no. 5719, in compliance with the instructions conveyed by the Author's asterisks, which are reproduced. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5720 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5720. Quod homo fiat post mortem sicut vixit, et quod sit forma humana

Quod homo sit suum bonum et suum verum, ostensum est ex obsequio corporis et unanimo consensu cum spirituali ejus mundo, seu cum voluntate et intellectu, hoc apparet ad vivum, ut cum homo vult, corpus agat, et cum homo cogitat etiam cum organis omnibus loquatur et quoque facies, usque adeo ut ipsa voluntas appareat sicut in corpore, ut cum manus agit, quod sicut in manu sit voluntas, cum os loquitur, quod non cogitatio sed os cum organis ejus, ita in reliquis, sic ut voluntas hominis sit ubivis in corpore, et non sedeat quasi in uno loco, tametsi principium ejus est in cerebro, inde patet quid corpus, quod modo sit voluntarium et intellectuale in forma; quid non spiritus, qui est homo post mortem, is plusquam homo est seu voluntas et intellectus, nam spiritus non aliud est in forma, quae forma quoque est humana, quia omne coeli et omne Divinum est ex tali forma, et in tali forma, et cum talis forma homini fuit in mundo, plus adhuc erit cum fit spiritus: inde est quod spiritus appareat prorsus secundum suum amorem, ita secundum voluntatem, seu secundum interiora sua; inde patet quod vita hominis faciat spiritus quale, et quod talis est qualis vita, ita qualis ejus voluntas et intellectus, nam omne vitae hominis se refert ad illa duo, et procedit ex illis duobus.

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