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《灵界经历》 第5743节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5743

5743. On this account the Lord was seen to descend from the Sun, as it were in a dazzling white cloud, into the highest regions and He gave judgment that all such should be thrown down; and when He withdrew into the Sun, they were in fact sent away. And this took place over a long period of time, successively depending on their tie with heaven; and for the most part they were thrust into the western quarter, where there was such a number that it could not be reckoned except by taking hundreds of thousands as one unit. But I cannot describe each and all the battles, which were temptations, and indeed the most serious of all, going on almost to the point of despair. The Lord held them in truth, but the devil in falsities; 1thus they were in an inward collision

[2] through this the nature of the temptations that the Lord had in the world when He admitted the hells into Himself could be clearly known, and also the nature of the final temptation of the cross, about which it can only be said that it is ineffable and cannot be comprehended and believed by any human being. It was said that the Lord suffered these from adolescence to the end of His life; and that in this way He subjugated the hells and brought the heavens and all things into order; and at the same time glorified His humanity, without which [actions] no mortal could have been saved.


1. This paragraph is emphasized marginally by "N.B"

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5743

5743. Wherefore, the Lord was seen to descend out of the Sun, as it were in a bright cloud, to the heights, and gave judgment that all of such a character should be cast down. And when He withdrew into the Sun, they were also driven out, and this for a great length of time, successively, according to their connection with heaven; and, as to the larger part, they were thrust down into the western quarter, where the number was so great that it could not be reduced to computation except by taking hundreds of thousands as one. But [I am unable] to describe all and every one of the incidents of the battle, which was a temptation, and, indeed, the most grievous of all temptations, continuing almost to despair. The Lord held them in truth, but the devil in falsity: consequently, they were as if in internal collision; by which, also, 1it could be evident of what kind the Lord's temptations were in the world, when He admitted the hells to Himself; and of what kind the last, of the Cross - respecting which it can only be said that they were unspeakable; nor could they be comprehended, or imagined, by any man. It was said that the Lord sustained them from earliest youth right up to the end of His life, and that He thus subdued the hells, and reduced the heavens and all things [in them] into order; also, that He, at the same time, glorified His Human; - without which things, no mortal could be saved.


1. In the margin: "N.B."

Experientiae Spirituales 5743 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5743. visus est Dominus descendere e Sole sicut in candida nube, in editissima, et dedit judicium, ut omnes tales dejicerentur, et cum recessit in Solem, etiam rejecti sunt, et hoc per multum temporis, successive secundum nexum coeli, et quoad plurimam partem detrusi in plagam occidentalem, ubi talis numerus ut non sub calculum posset mitti nisi per centena millia, sicut unum, sed describere [non possum] omnia et singula pugnae, quae erat tentatio, et quidem omnium gravissima, perstans usque fere ad desperationem, Dominus tenebat in vero, 1

at diabolus in falso, ita quasi collisione interna; per quam etiam constare potuit quales tentationes Domino fuerant in mundo, cum Ipse in se admisit inferna, et qualis ultima crucis, de quibus solum dici possit quod ineffabiles, nec ab ullo homine comprehendi et credi possent. Dictum quod Dominus pertulerit illas a prima adolescentia usque ad ultimum vitae suae: et quod sic subjugaverit inferna, et redegerit coelos et omnia, in ordinem, et quod glorificaverit simul Humanum; absque quibus nullus mortalium salvari potuit.


1. Sidebar: NB.

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