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《灵界经历》 第5787节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5787

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5787


The speech of spirits is according to the nature of a matter, likewise the words and the sound; for the nature of every reality is inscribed on man; as, for example, the nature of the ether on the eye, and the nature of the air on the ear, and so forth. Wherefore, [men], likewise, speak according to it; for man was created to the image of all things of the world. Hence, the nature of a thing, and of the sound agreeing with it, is also in certain words of language in the world: all conjunctions and notions, and analyses, which inhere in languages, are therefrom. Hence it is, that, in the other life, everyone who pleases is able to speak with any. Vowels, also, are according to the nature of a matter, as, a, e, i, o, u, as is manifest from the celestial angels: u involves all things; and so forth. That men in the world do not speak according to the nature of the thing, but by various and different languages, is because man is not born into the nature of reality, but into ignorance of all things, and learns to speak; which cannot take place according to the nature of a thing. He thinks, also, exteriorly, in the sensual, which is perverted. In a word, men see otherwise than as the things themselves are, and believe them [i.e., their impressions of things] to be realities; but the things themselves they either do not see, or, if they see them, they believe them to be phantasies, or not to be as they are.


1. The asterisks clearly indicate that no. 5787 is to be read consecutively with the conclusion of 5792c. It is, therefore, placed accordingly. -TR.

5787a. That the angels in the heavens speak according to the nature of a matter in heaven, but those who are in externals according to the nature of the matter in the world, and that yet they are understood, is because there is correspondence; but the latter speech is, on that account, material.

Experientiae Spirituales 5787 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5787. De loquela spirituum

Loquela spirituum est secundum naturam rei, voces similiter et sonus, nam natura cujusvis rei inscripta est homini, sicut natura aetheris oculo, et natura aeris auri, et sic porro, quare secundum illam similiter loquuntur, homo enim ad imaginem omnium mundi creatus, natura rei inde et soni secundum illam etiam in quibusdam vocibus linguarum in mundo inest; omnes conjunctiones et ordines, et analyses quae insunt linguis inde sunt; inde est quod quilibet in altera vita cum alio loqui possit; etiam secundum naturam rei sunt vocales, ut a, e, i, o, u, ut patet ab angelis coelestibus; u involvit omnia, et sic porro. Quod loquantur in mundo, non secundum naturam rei, sed per linguas varias et diversas, est quia homo non in naturam rei nascitur, sed in omnium ignorantiam et discet loqui, quod non fieri potest secundum naturam rei, cogitat etiam exterius in sensuali quod perversum, - verbo vident aliter quam ipsae res sunt, et illa credunt realia, at ipsas res vel non vident, et si vident credunt phantasias esse, vel non ita esse.

[5787 1/[2]. Quod angeli in coelis loquantur secundum naturam rei in coelo, at illi qui in externis secundum naturam rei in mundo quod usque intelligant, est quia est correspondentia, sed haec loquela ideo est materialis.

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