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《灵界经历》 第5797节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5797

5797. The reason they are in freedom is because they are being led to goodness in this way so that they may be affected by goodness and truth, and thus by the Lord in it; and then they are being led away from thinking and willing evil; and not to will evil but to will good is freedom, and this freedom is from the Lord. They turn away from and flee evils, so that to contemplate and do them is compulsion. But with those who are evil, to contemplate and do evil acts is freedom, and to contemplate and will what is good is compulsion, and to be like this is to be a slave.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5797

5797. The reason he is in freedom, is, because he is led to good in such a way as to be affected by truth and good, and thus as to be led in it by the Lord; and, then, he is led away from thinking and willing evil. Also, not to will evil, but good, is freedom; and this freedom is from the Lord. These are averse from, and they shun, evils; wherefore, to think and to do them, is, with them, compulsion. But, with the evil, doing and thinking evils is freedom, and thinking and willing good is compulsion; and to be of such a character, is to be a slave.

Experientiae Spirituales 5797 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5797. Quod ille in libero sit, est quia ducitur ad bonum ita ut afficiatur bono et vero, et sic ducatur a Domino in illo, et tunc abducitur a cogitare et velle malum et non velle malum sed bonum est liberum, et hoc liberum est a Domino, aversantur et fugiunt mala, quare illa cogitare et facere, est apud illos coactum, at apud malos est facere et cogitare mala liberum, et cogitare et velle bonum est coactum, et talis esse est servus esse.

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