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《灵界经历》 第5838节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5838

5838. About the Reformed

For a long time, over a period of several years, I have seen how all the reformed have been purified according to the nature of their nation and in a wonderful order according to their affections and the kinds and types of these. The purifications took place in various ways, especially by the presence of evil [spirits], and thus by a kind of fermentation. In consequence those appeared who took delight in that evil, and then they were separated from the others and were thrown down from there into various regions, especially into the northern and southern, where they were arranged into communities. This took place in low places; the evil were thrown into swamps and ponds. All those who withdrew from their own communities and looked around themselves, because they were the kind that did not value the community's delight and use, were thrown down, for the most part into swamps and ponds, thus lower than the lands, lest they look about and join together with the evil. For those like this somewhat annoyed those who were around because then they were outside the community, believing themselves consequently to be in freedom, and when anyone thinks he is in freedom, he then comes into his inward inclinations, not restrained by outer bonds as in society. On this account they immediately came into another state. Those who are such that they want to bring hardships and evils on others desire to withdraw from their societies and thus do what is evil in safety.

[2] Then some of them who withdrew attached themselves to evil spirits who were below; the evil spirits attached them to their spirits themselves using their own tricks. When those entered a society, they were tied to the evil spirits, for once one is tied to them, one is held tied to them wherever one is. For this reason evil spirits had a communication with them within the community and so were able to do evil to the community. Therefore when a society began to be corrupted by them, it was purified from them in various ways. This went on for a long time. There were also those who hid themselves in lower places and rose up and did similarly

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5838


For a long time, even throughout the period of a year, I saw how all the Reformed were purified, according to their nations; and this in marvelous order, according to affections and the genera and species thereof. The purifications took place in various ways, principally through the presence of the evil, consequently through a kind of fermentations. 1Hence appeared who were in the delight of that evil; and these were then separated from the others, and cast down thence into the different quarters, principally into the northern and southern, where they were arranged in societies; and this in low-lying places - the evil, into marshes and ponds. All those who went out from their own societies 2and looked around them, inasmuch as they were of such a character that they did not care for the delight and use of the society, were cast down, the majority into marshes and ponds - consequently, below the earths - lest they should look around them and conjoin themselves with the evil. For, those who have been such, for the most part infested those who were roundabout, because [they were] then outside the society, believing that they were thus in freedom; and, when anyone supposes himself to be in freedom, he then comes into his interiors, not being restrained by external bonds as in society: wherefore, they came immediately into a different state. Those who are such that they desire to inflict annoyances and evils on others, are eager to go out from their societies and thus commit evils in safety. Then, certain of those who went out, attached themselves to evil spirits beneath. The evil spirits, by their arts, bound them to themselves. When these entered a society, they were bound to the evil spirit - for he who is once bound to them, is kept bound by them, wheresoever he is. Wherefore, evil spirits communicated with them within the society, and thus they were able to injure the society: for which reason, when the society began to be vitiated by them, it was purified from them in various ways. This lasted a long while. There were also some who hid themselves in lower places, and rose up and behaved similarly, and afterwards returned; but all of such a quality were found out and driven forth.


1. For the comprehension of this expression, the reader is referred to Divine Providence, 25, where such "fermentations" as are here meant are described. -TR.

2. See 5831, above. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 5838 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5838. De Reformatis

Diu et per annuum tempus visum quomodo omnes reformati secundum nationes purificati sunt, et hoc admirando ordine secundum affectiones et eorum genera et species, purificationes fiebant variis modis, imprimis per praesentiam malorum, ita per fermentationis speciem, inde apparuerunt qui in jucundo illius mali essent, et tunc separati ab aliis et inde dejecti in varias plagas, imprimis in septentrionalem et meridionalem, ubi in societates ordinati sunt, et hoc in humilibus locis, mali in paludes et stagna; omnes illi qui exierunt societatibus suis, et spectaverunt circum se, quia tales erant, ut non aestimarent societatis jucundum et usum, illi dejecti sunt, plerique in paludes et stagna, ita infra terras, ne spectarent circum se, et se conjungerent malis; nam qui tales fuerunt, illi partim infestabant illos qui circum erant, quia tunc extra societatem, credentes se sic in libero esse, et cum in libero se quis esse putat, tunc in interiora sua venit, non retinentibus vinculis externis, ut in societate, quare in alium statum illico venerunt; qui tales sunt, ut aliis molestias et mala inferre volunt, illi cupiunt exire societatibus suis, et in tuto sic mala facere; tunc quidam ex illis qui exiverunt, alligaverunt se spiritibus malis infra, illos mali spiritibus sibi suis artibus alligarunt, illi cum intraverunt societatem, ligati erant malis spiritibus, nam qui semel illis ligatur, tenetur ligatus ab illis ubicunque est, quare mali spiritus cum illis communicabant intra societatem, et sic potuerunt malefacere societati, quapropter cum societas incepit infici ab illis, purificata est ab illis variis modis, hoc perstabat diu: erant quoque qui in inferioribus locis se absconderunt, et assurgebant, et similiter fecerunt,

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