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《灵界经历》 第584节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


584 1/2.在不同的时候,我通过他们的灵人与他们交谈;因为我被恩准获知天使们所想的和灵人们所说的;灵人们似乎凭自己说话,否则思维就会从那些不反思这些事,以为他们完全凭自己说话的灵人那里被引离和带走。我与来自另一个星球的人也谈论了这些事,他们比我理解得更清楚。我只是稍微暗示一下我的想法或意图,他们就会对这个问题有更全面的理解;因此,他们说,他们以这种方式理解我,比通过灵人传达给他们的直接话语理解得更好。

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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 584

584. Continuation on the inhabitants of Jupiter

About the inflow of the angels of the earth Jupiter, it is allowed only to note that it is soft, and comes in alternating waves, so to speak; therefore it is gentle, like the character of these angels, who also think in this manner.

584. 1/2. From time to time, I have engaged in conversation with them, through their spirits, for of course, what the angels are thinking, this the spirits speak, as if on their own. In general, the thought is drawn away and taken up by spirits who, without reflecting on these circumstances, believe that they are speaking entirely of themselves.

I have discussed the same matters with some who had been from another earth, and they understood them better than I. If I only intimated or attended to what I was thinking, they grasped a fuller meaning of the matter, so that they said they understood me better than by outright speech conveyed to them by speaking spirits.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 584


Concerning the influx of the angels of the planet Jupiter, it is only permitted to mention that it is gentle and undulating with an alternation, as it were, in volume; wherefore it is mild, as is the genius of those who also think in this manner.

584 1/2. At various times I have engaged in conversation with them through their spirits; for it was granted me to learn that what the angels think, the spirits speak as of themselves, otherwise the thought would be taken and carried away from spirits, who, without reflecting upon those things, suppose that they speak from themselves. I have spoken concerning similar things with those who were from another earth, and they understood it better than I. If I but gave a slight indication of what I was thinking or intending, they apprehended a fuller sense of the matter; thus, as they said, they understood me better in this way than by manifest speech, conveyed to them by spirits speaking.

Experientiae Spirituales 584 (original Latin 1748-1764)

584. Continuatio de Jovis incolis

De influxu angelorum telluris Jovis id solum memorare licet, quod sit lenis, et undulans cum 1

alterno quasi volumine, quare mitis est, sicut eorum genii, qui etiam ita cogitant.

584a. Cum iis, per spiritus eorum, passim sociavi sermonem,nam scire 1

licet, quod angeli cogitant, spiritus id loquuntur, sicut a semet, cogitatio alioquin aufertur, et excipitur a spiritibus, qui absque reflexione ad ea, putant quod a se loquantur; de similibus cum iis locutus, qui ab altera tellure fuerunt, et ii melius intellexerunt, quam ego; si modo innuerem, quid intenderem, pleniorem 2

sensum ejus rei ceperunt, sic ut dixerint, se melius sic me intelligere, quam per loquelam manifestam, et ad se per loquentes spiritus ductam.


1. in J.F.I. Tafel's edition: "ex nisi legeris in"

1. imperfectum in the Manuscript

2. The Manuscript has quid cogitarem intenderem pleniorem

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