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《灵界经历》 第5856节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5856

5856. About the distraction of subtle spirits from the Mohammedans, the Babylonians and the Reformed

A wandering gang of Mohammedans who were in the western quarter forward to the south began to look at the Christian world and attack from there. And they were in communication with a very wicked Babylonian gang in the west that was skilled in making itself subtle so that no one would notice them, with whom also certain of the reformed had communication who also were skilled in the art of rendering themselves unnoticeable so that they would not be seen by anyone although they were among them.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5856


A roving crew of Mohammedans, who were in front in the western quarter towards the southern, began to look towards, and hence to infest, the Christian world; and they had communication with a most wicked Babylonish crew in the west, who were clever at etherealizing themselves, so that they could not be observed by any; with whom, also, some of the Reformed communicated, who, likewise, were skilled in the art of rendering themselves invisible, so that they could be seen by none, though they were among them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5856 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5856. De destructione subtilium spirituum a Mahumedanis, Babylonicis et Reformatis

Vaga turba ex Mahumedanis qui anterius in plaga occidentali ad meridionalem, incipiebat spectare ad Christianum orbem, et inde infestare, et communicationem habebant cum malitiosissima Babylonica turba in occidente, quae callebat se facere subtiles ut a nullo conspicerentur, cum quibus communicabant etiam quidam reformati, qui etiam artem callebant se inconspicuos reddere, ut a nemine viderentur, tametsi inter illos essent.

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