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《灵界经历》 第5880节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5880

5880. About those who have no concept of God or religion due simply to birthplace

Gentiles ignorant of worship

There were those who appeared to me in my sleep sometimes as human beings, sometimes as certain kind of birds, and with whom many things happened that were virtually theater acts such as are typical in sleep, shutting up birds in a cage, and so on. In the end they appeared like human beings. When I awoke it was explained to me that they were people born on a certain island of the West Indies, who had no concept at all of God and so no religion. But still they lived honestly and amicably.

[2] It was said that in the other life it at first appears as if they are not endowed with rationality, but still, since they have not adopted any principles opposed to religion because they have been ignorant of things like this, in the other life they are instructed almost like small children and are gradually perfected so that they become better than those who have been born in a religion where there are falsities through which what is good in their life has been formed. It was shown that they had such an affection for truth that there was none greater elsewhere. This showed that they wanted to be of service to others, but it was explained that they could not because they had no understanding of things. Then some valuable objects were given to them. They presented these to their master simply so that that he would take them as his servants, and so they would be taught how they should live.

[Marginal Note: Gentiles ignorant of worship.]

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5880


There were some who appeared to me in sleep, now like men, and again like a certain kind of birds, with whom, also, many as it were ludicrous things occurred, such as are characteristic of sleep, by confining those birds in a cage; and so forth. At length they appeared like men. When I awoke, it was shown me that they were men born in a certain island in the West Indies, who had no knowledge of God whatever, consequently no religion; but, yet, lived sincerely and amicably. It was said that, at first, in the other life, these appear as if not possessed of rationality but that, still, since they have not adopted any principles contrary to religion, inasmuch as they have been in ignorance, they are instructed in the other life almost like children, and gradually perfected, so that they become better than those who were born in a religion in which there are falsities, by which their good of life has been formed. It was shown that they were in such an affection of truth as is not surpassed anywhere else. This was shown by the fact that they wished to serve others; but reply was made that they were not able, because they did not understand anything. Some riches were then given them. These they presented to a master; but this, in order that he might take them as servants, and they be thus instructed how to live.

Experientiae Spirituales 5880 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5880. De illis qui in nulla cognitione Dei vel religionis sunt ex solo natali

Erant qui in somno mihi apparebant nunc sicut homines, nunc sicut quoddam genus avium, et cum quibus plura quasi ludicra qualia sunt somni facta sunt, coercendo aves illas in theca, et sic porro, tandem apparebant ut homines, 1

cum evigilatus, manifestabatur mihi, quod essent homines in insula quadam Indiae occidentalis nati, qui prorsus nullam cognitionem Dei habuerunt, ita nullam religionem; at usque vixerunt inter se sincere et amice; dicebatur quod illi in altera vita primum appareant sicut non rationalitate praediti, sed usque quia nulla principia contra religionem captaverunt, quia nesciverunt, quod instruantur in altera vita paene sicut infantes, et successive perficiantur, ut meliores fiant illis qui in religione nati, ubi falsa, per quae bonum vitae eorum formatum est, ostensum quod in tali affectione veri essent, ut non plus alibi, ostensum est per quod vellent servire apud alios, sed respondebatur quod non possent, quia nihil intelligebant, tunc datae sunt illis aliquae opes, has offerebant illi hero, modo ut reciperet illos ut ei servirent, et sic instrui quomodo victuri.


1. Sidebar: Gentes cultus ignorantes

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