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《灵界经历》 第591节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 591

591. There was also conversation with spirits of the other earth on the manner of philosophizing here, namely, that when those here are describing spirits, souls, and similar invisible entities, they remove all elements on which human ideas can have a grip, such as locality, components, shapes, and the like, and leave no idea and consequently no term, by which to express those things which have to do with spirits and the like, calling them immaterial, etc., thus wrapping them in terms, finally [assigning them] occult properties. Thus they end up doubting whether there is anything within, or beyond, those things which the senses grasp, and many deny that there is (at least at heart). So they deny the existence of spirits, they deny spiritual things, they deny heavenly things, supposing that they will die, as all other animals do, from which they do not even know to distinguish themselves - and nevertheless they want to be thought learned. Moreover, they connect together their terms and thereby develop many themes that are nothing but scholarly terminology which, if unwrapped, exhibits a simple, easily expressible meaning.

The spirits of the planet Jupiter laugh about these and similar matters, and again they are calling such people insane - and manure, if their thinking is immersed and bound up, or entrapped, in such things.

1748, the 28th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 591

591. I also spoke with spirits of another earth on the way they philosophize here, namely, that when they describe spirits, souls, and like things which are invisible, they then remove all things upon which human ideas may affix themselves, as place, parts, figures, and similar things, so that they leave no idea, consequently no word by which to express those things that have regard to spirits and similar things, and call them immaterial, and the like. They so involve them in terms, and at length in occult qualities, that they finally come to doubt whether there is anything within those things which the senses apprehend, which very many deny, at least inwardly. Thus they deny the existence of spirits, they deny the existence of spiritual things, they deny the existence of celestial things, so they suppose that they will die like other animals, from which they do not even know how to distinguish themselves. And yet they still want to be called learned! Moreover, they connect such terms and hence bundle many things together which are mere scholastic terms, which, if unfolded, would exhibit a simple sense easily expressible. The spirits of the planet Jupiter laugh at these and like things, and again called such men insane, and, if their thoughts are such that they are immersed in and entangled or ensnared by such things, dung. 1748, Jan. 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 591 (original Latin 1748-1764)

591. Loquutum est etiam cum spiritibus alterius telluris, quomodo philosophantur hic loci, nempe dum describunt spiritus, animas, et similia quae invisibilia sunt, [quod] 1

tunc removeant omnia, quibus affigunt se ideae humanae, sicut locum, partes, figuras, et similia, sic ut nullam ideam proinde nullam vocem relinquant exprimendis iis, quae spectant ad spiritus et similia, vocantque immaterialia, ac similia, sic involvunt terminis, tandem qualitatibus occultis ita tandem dubitant num aliquid sit intra ea quae sensus capiunt, quod plerique negant, ad minimum intus, sic negant spiritus, negant spiritualia, negant coelestia, sic se putant morituros ut caetera animalia, a quibus se ne quidem norunt distinguere, et usque tamen docti volunt esse; praeterea terminos connectunt tales, et confasciant inde plura, quae meri sunt termini scholastici, qui si evolvuntur simplicem sensum, facile expressibilem, exhibent: haec et similia rident spiritus telluris 2

Jovis, et iterum vocant eos insanos, et stercora, si eorum cogitationes sint tales 3

, ut talibus sint immersae et illigatae, seu irretitae. 1748, die 28 Jan.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition

2. imperfectum in the Manuscript

3. This is how it appears in J.F.I. Tafel's edition; the Manuscript has talis

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