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《灵界经历》 第5911节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5911

5911. About Persuasion and Luther

It was said by others that the affection for truth makes the Church with a person and that no affection for truth can come from the doctrine of those who hold the belief that salvation is by faith alone because they have no doctrine about the way one should live life. These replied that still they have affection for truth, that is to say, for their truths in respect to thinking about them. They said this not knowing that affection for truth regards the way one lives and not thought alone, and not knowing that this affection that regards only thought is an affection for their own glory or gain, which is impure in regard to truths, and that the faith coming from this affection is either no faith or persuasion. On hearing these things, Luther rushed out of his residence because what they were saying pleased him, and then he had the same thoughts, and was so persuaded

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5911


It was said by others that the affection of truth constitutes the Church with man; and the affection of truth cannot be given from the doctrine of those who are in faith alone, inasmuch as they have no doctrine of life. But the former ones replied that still they are in the affection of truth, namely, of their own truth as regards thought respecting those thing - not knowing that the affection of truth looks to life and not to thought only, nor yet knowing that that affection which looks to thought alone is the affection of its own glory, or of its own advantage, which, in relation to truths, is filthy, or, that the faith of that affection is either nothing, or is persuasive. Having heard these things, Luther rushed out of his dwelling, because their speech was pleasing to him, and he was at the time in the same [idea], and in such a persuasion

Experientiae Spirituales 5911 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5911. De Persuasivo et Luthero

Dictum ab aliis quod affectio veri faciat Ecclesiam apud hominem, et affectio veri non dari queat ex doctrina illorum qui in sola fide, quia non habent doctrinam vitae, sed illi responderunt quod usque in affectione veri sint, nempe sui veri quoad cogitationem de illis, non scientes quod affectio veri spectet vitam, et non solam cogitationem, nec scientes quod illa affectio quae spectat solam cogitationem, sit affectio sui gloriae aut sui lucri, quae est spurca quoad vera, et quod fides illius affectionis vel sit nulla, vel sit persuasiva; illis auditis ex sua mansione erupit Lutherus, quia placuit ei illorum loquela, et is tunc in eodem erat, et in tali persuasivo

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