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《灵界经历》 第5918节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5918

5918. Those, who hold the doctrinal teachings concerning faith alone and still have some goodness in the way they live, also have two states. When they are dwelling on their doctrinal teachings, they then have their own mental light and are, so to speak, awake, because they are enjoying talking about the things of the Church. But when they are among themselves and thinking to themselves, then because they have some sort of obscure goodness in the way they live, therefore they are also in obscurity and are relatively asleep as it were, for they are then thinking outside of the doctrine that goodness of life saves a person. This happened with Luther: he was in his life's enjoyment when he was able to argue, and the more shrewdly he did so, the greater was his enjoyment; but when he was thinking to himself outside of the doctrine of the church, he was in an obscure state, and then he pondered [the significance of] the way one lives.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5918

5918. With those, who are in the doctrinals respecting faith alone, and still in some good of life, there are also two states. When they are in their doctrinals, they are then in their light [lumen], and as it were in their wakefulness, being in the enjoyment of talking about the affairs of the Church; but when they are by themselves, and think within themselves, then, inasmuch as they are in some dim good of life, their ideas are also in shade, and then comparatively, as it were, in a sleep; for they then think, apart from the doctrinal ground, that the good of life saves man. This was the case with Luther. He was in the joy of his life when he was able to argue, and the more sharply, the greater his delight; but, when he thought within himself, apart from a doctrinal ground, he was in obscurity, and then he pondered about life.

Experientiae Spirituales 5918 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5918. Illis, qui in doctrinalibus de sola fide sunt, et usque in aliquo bono vitae, etiam bini status sunt, cum in doctrinalibus suis sunt, tunc in suo lumine sunt, et quasi in sua vigilia, quia in amaeno loquendi de rebus Ecclesiae, at cum apud se sunt, et secum cogitant, tunc quia in aliquo bono vitae obscuro, ideo etiam in obscuro sunt, et respective quasi in somno, nam cogitant tunc extra doctrinale quod bonum vitae salvet hominem, hoc factum est cum Luthero, ille in amaeno vitae suae fuit cum ratiocinari potuit, et quo acrius eo plus, at cum secum cogitabat extra doctrinale, in obscuro fuit, et tunc pensitabat de vita.

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