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《灵界经历》 第593节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 593

593. Those who are like this, upon coming into the other life, seem to themselves at first to be among their like, and thus to carry on in the same way as they had done during their life in the world. But this scene is changed into a cruel one, for those same women clash vehemently among themselves, bruise and tear each other, pull each other's hair and tear each other's scalps, so pitiably that one cannot stand looking on. Also, they even hang them up naked like pigs, cutting off their feet, tearing them apart in a thousand ways, one after another. In fact blood flows so abundantly that I shuddered, and it is a horror to describe such scenes, but nevertheless, such is their punishment. The spirits around me, frightened, wanted to flee away.

What kind of women they are, you may see above [592]. These appeared to me in front, toward the left, in a certain higher place symbolizing the fantasy linked to arrogance. 1748, the 28th day of January.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 593

593. At first, when they enter the other life, they seem to themselves to be with others like themselves, and thus to act in the same manner as during their life in the world. But this scene is changed into a cruel one, in which those same women knock each other about, and bruise and tear each other in a miserable manner; they pull each other by the hair, tear off the scalp, and this so shamefully that one cannot bear to look at them. They also hang them up naked like swine, cut off their feet, and tear them in a thousand ways, one after another; indeed the blood flowed so copiously that I was horrified, and it is horrible to describe such scenes. But still such is their punishment. The spirits around me were terrified, and wanted to flee away. What such women are like you may see above [n. 592. Those that I saw are in front, towards the left, in a certain higher place, by which is signified the phantasy of pride. 1748, Jan. 28.

Experientiae Spirituales 593 (original Latin 1748-1764)

593. Similes sibi videntur cum similibus aliis primum esse, cum in alteram vitam veniunt, et sic similiter agere, ac in vita mundi, sed mutatur haec scena in crudelem, nempe quod eaedem inter se misere collidunt, se contundunt, lacerant, capillamentis trahunt, crania evellunt, misere, ut quis non sustineat spectare, tum etiam suspendunt eas ut sues nudas, amputant pedes, lacerant mille modis, unam post alteram, imo sanguis fluit tali copia, ut horruerim; similia describere est horror, sed usque talis poena earum est; spiritus circum me territi, aufugere volebant; quales faeminae sint, prius videas [592]; visae mihi hae 1

sunt antrorsum versu sinistram, in altiori quodam loco, quo significatur phantasia fastus. 1748, die 28 Jan.


1. sic in J.F.I. Tafel's edition Manuscript hi

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