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《灵界经历》 第5931节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5931

5931. How that which is from heaven is received today by the people of the Church

I heard that many have looked into [my] books about heaven and hell and the rest and yet that they were not pleasing, on which account they were left untouched when nevertheless they are profound secrets of heaven. When I wondered at this, many from various styles of life current in the Christian world were brought forward: some who did not care about such things; some who cared a little; some who were involved in worldly things, which they put in first place; some who only went to church of habit; some of one kind, some of another; and it was realized that there are very few who accept anything that comes from heaven and that many are disgusted at them and reject them. So this is what the people in the Church today are like.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5931


I heard that many have looked into my books on heaven and hell, etc., and yet have not been satisfied: wherefore, they leave them alone; when, nevertheless, they are arcana of heaven. As I wondered at this, many Christians now in the world, differing as respects life, were instanced: some who do not care for such things; some who care little; some who are in worldly pursuits, which they prefer; some who attend churches only from habit - some one way and some another - and it was discovered that there are very few who receive anything which is from heaven; and that many nauseate and reject it; so that this is the character of men in the Church, at the present day.

Experientiae Spirituales 5931 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5931. Quomodo recipitur ab hominibus Ecclesiae id quod e coelo hodie

Audivi quod multi inspexerint in libros de coelo et inferno, et reliquis, et tamen quod non placuerint, quare reliquerunt, cum tamen arcana coeli sunt, quod cum miratus, adducti plures ex varia vita nunc in orbe Christiano, quidam qui non talia curant, quidam qui parum curant, quidam qui in mundanis sunt, quae praeferunt, quidam qui solum frequentant templa ex consuetudine, quidam aliter et aliter, et deprehensum quod paucissimi sint, qui aliquid quod e coelo recipiunt, et quod plures nauseent ad illa, et rejiciant, ita quod tales sint homines hodie in Ecclesia.

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