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《灵界经历》 第5934节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5934

5934. The Lord Alone does all things in the heavens and on the earths, about His omnipotence

There were evil [spirits] above

There were those who ascribed the Lord's power in lowest matters to human beings, namely, to who have faith in Him, and there were many who held this belief, even many societies above me in high and loftier places. But it was shown that the Lord Alone does this and not at all human beings: He even supplied many in the lowest ranks, even very many who were immersed in evil whose faith was opposed to His Divine in the lowest things. These served similarly as a lowest Divine [agency] and consequently He threw down many societies which were in higher places, which they also saw. I too saw it [happen], outside me. As a result of this they believed all could be saved, even those in hell. But it was said that they could not because then they would not have freedom to think, will, and act, so they would not have a life of their own. 1It was shown that the Lord's Divine power in the lowest things could fill those who had knowledge about the Lord, even if they had an opposing faith; those who had no knowledge could not receive it. From this it is clear that the omnipotence of the Lord Alone does this, and that neither man, spirit, nor angel does anything at all, and that this is His Divine in the lowest things because he made His whole Human Divine even to the lowest things.

[2] What surprised me was that not only those almost directly overhead had evil qualities and made one with the malicious spirits roundabout, but even those who were above them and also those who were higher still up to the third and fourth higher levels, the worst being those who were the highest. Here they were entirely in favor of hell, and they said that the devil rather than the Lord had power. Those who were nearest below them said that the Father and not the Lord had all power. 2[They were] not acknowledging the Divine of the Lord other than in the degree He receives it from the Father, and that now He receives nothing because He wishes to have everything. These when scattered appeared scattered into nature, by which was shown that they acknowledged nature as the Father, and so on.


1. This sentence is emphasized in the original by the symbol "N.B" written in the margin.

2. This sentence is emphasized in the original by the symbol "N.B" written in the margin.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5934


There were some who ascribed the Lord's power in ultimates to men, to those who are in faith in Him; and very many were in this notion; many societies, also, above me, on heights and places still higher; but it was shown that the Lord alone effects the thing, and not in the least man. He also filled many in the lowest places, and for the most part such as were in evil and in a pernicious faith, with His Divine in ultimates. These, in like manner, acted in agreement with the ultimate Divine; and He thus cast down many societies in the higher places, as also they saw. I also saw that [it was done] independently of me. They believed from this that all were capable of being saved, even those who are in hell; 1but it was stated that they are not, because then they would not be in the freedom of thinking, willing and acting, consequently not in their life. It was shown that the Lord's Divine power in ultimates can fill those who were in knowledge respecting the Lord, although in a pernicious faith. They who are not in this knowledge, are not able to receive. Hence it was manifest, that it is the Lord's omnipotence alone which does a thing, and not in the least man, spirit or angel; also, that it is His Divine in ultimates, because He made His whole Human, even to the ultimates, Divine.

What I wondered at, was, that not only those who were almost directly overhead were in evils and made one with the wicked round about, but also those who were above them, and also those who were still higher, as far as the third and fourth degrees of height. The worst were those who were highest. Here they were entirely in favor of hell, and said that the Devil rather than the Lord has power. They who were next below these, said that the Father possesses all the power, 1and not the Lord, not otherwise acknowledging a Divine of the Lord [than] so much as He receives from the Father; also, that now He receives nothing, because He wishes to possess all things. These, when dispersed, appeared to be dispersed into nature; by which was shown that they acknowledged nature as the Father, and so forth.


1. In the margin: "N.B.N.B."

Experientiae Spirituales 5934 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5934. Quod Solus Dominus omnia faciat in coelis et in terris, de omnipotentia Ipsius

Quod supra mali essent

Fuerunt qui tribuerunt hominibus potentiam Domini in ultimis, illis qui in fide in Ipsum, et in hoc permulti fuerunt, etiam plures societates supra me in altis et altioribus, sed ostensum est quod Solus Dominus id faciat et prorsus nihil homo, implevit etiam plures in infimis, etiam plerosque qui in malo et in contraria fide Divino suo in ultimis, hi similiter serviebant pro ultimo Divino, et sic dejecit plures societates in altioribus, quod etiam viderunt, vidi etiam ego quod extra me [fieret]; inde credebant quod salvari possent omnes, etiam qui in inferno, 1

sed dictum quod non possint, quia tunc non in libero cogitandi, volendi et agendi essent, ita non in sua vita; ostensum quod Divina Domini potentia in ultimis possit implere illos qui in scientia essent de Domino, etiamsi in contraria fide, illi qui non in scientia, non recipere possunt; inde patuit, quod omnipotentia Solius Domini sit quae id facit, et prorsus nihil homo, spiritus aut angelus, et quod id sit Divinum Ipsius in ultimis, quia totum Humanum suum usque ad ultima Divinum fecit.

[2] Quod miratus sum, erat, quod non modo illi qui supra caput paene directe in malis essent et unum facerent cum malitiosis circumcirca, sed etiam illi qui supra eos, et quoque qui adhuc superius, usque ad tertios et quartos gradus altitudinis, pessimi qui altissimi, hic pro inferno prorsus erant, 2

et dicebant diabolo potius quam Domino esse potestatem, illi qui proxime infra illos, dixerunt Patri esse omnem potestatem, et non Domino, non agnoscentes Divinum Domini aliter [quam] quantum accipit a Patre, et quod nunc nihil accipiat quia vult omnia habere, illi cum dissipati apparebant dissipari in naturam, per quod ostensum quod pro Patre agnoverint naturam, et sic porro.


1. Sidebar: NB. NB.

2. Sidebar: NB. NB.

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