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《灵界经历》 第5946节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5946


For roughly half-an-hour or more I was led by the Lord through changes of state toward the south as far as the wiser Africans. I was given the opportunity to speak with them about various things and from conversation with them to perceive that they know the truth of the church within themselves. They ran through various things that I knew and said that they know all of them and more. I believed that they came from those who indeed perceive the truths of heaven when they hear others but yet do not talk about them. But it was noticed that they do also talk about them. I also spoke with them about deeper knowledges which are figurative and symbolic. They knew little about these, but what these contribute to wisdom and happiness when they are joined together was shown to them. They were shown various things about these, which also greatly delighted them.

[2] I was told further where the best of them are, namely, at the side toward the sea, [occupying] more than half of the region, with almost this form, namely, that the best of them are in the whole tract DE, but that the worse are toward the Mediterranean Sea, H, also at the Cape of Good Hope F; so that the kingdoms of the best are DE: but that they who are toward DB, which is toward Asia, are not wise and are infested by those who come thence, because they speak things they do not perceive: similarly almost to C; and those who are still worse are toward A, where Egypt is. 1

[3] They said that in that large tract DE, all worship the Lord and that they are instructed by many who communicate with the angels of heaven; that the communication is not by speech from angels but through interior perception; that these are their instructors, whom they very well distinguish from others. They said also that those from Europe are not admitted to them, and that if they come thither and are not willing to serve, they are sent away from there by a route at B, and are sold by them; thus they are safe from infestations.ؗhen any come there from the Papal religion, they claim that they are holy, but they are soon examined and it is perceived that they do not know, still less perceive, anything of truth; wherefore they are either not admitted, or they are sent toward Asia, like the rest.

[4] Then they were given the Word, which they read, and when they read it, they at first perceived nothing holy, afterwards something more and more holy, and then they gave it to their instructors. They said that they had it but had not let it be known. The latter said that they had dictated it to men in Africa with whom they have communication, according as the Lord leads. From this it is evident that there is now revelation there.

[5] And also, after this the work HEAVEN AND HELL was given to them, which they accepted and put safely away, likewise too, THE LAST JUDGMENT and THE EARTHS IN THE UNIVERSE, as well as THE WHITE HORSE, and then THE DOCTRINE OF THE NEW JERUSALEM, so that they may select what they see to be useful. It was tranquil there, because things were in order. , Certain ones went along together to Christians, where the Word was, and they could see they knew nothing of the truth that comes from goodness; and they were brought to certain angels, and they perceived that they did not accept it, a few did from some understanding , scarcely any from perception.

[6] In addition I was led in spirit to others in Africa, a tract which is known to Europeans and on maps is called Ethiopia, where they dwell in tents; a good nation.


1. Hand drawing of map of Africa.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5946


I was brought by the Lord, through changes of state which went on for about half an hour, in a southerly direction, as far as to the wiser African sort; and it was granted me to converse with them about various matters; and from my discourse with them, it was granted me to perceive that they knew the truths of the Church in themselves. They ran over the things which I knew, and stated that they knew all these, and more. I imagined that they were of those who indeed perceive the truths of the Church when they hear others [utter them], but still do not talk about them; but it was noticed that these likewise speak of them. I also spoke to them about the knowledges which are representatives and correspondences. Of these they knew little; but it was shown them what these contribute to wisdom and happiness - to wit, when they are conjoined. Various things were pointed out respecting that matter, which things also delighted them much. I was also informed where their best ones are, namely, at the side towards the sea, [occupying] more than half of the region, with almost this form:

[Map of Africa]

namely, the best of them are in the whole tract, D E, but the worse are towards the Mediterranean Sea, H, and at the Cape of Good Hope, F; so that the kingdoms of the best are D E; but they who are towards D B, that is, towards Asia, are not wise, and are infested by those who come thence, because they speak things which they do not perceive. It is like this almost to C; and those who are still worse are towards A, where Egypt is. They stated that in that great tract D E they all worship the Lord, and are taught by many who communicate with the angels of heaven; that the communication is not through speech by the angels, but through interior perception; and that these are their instructors, whom they perfectly discriminate from all others. They also stated that those from Europe are not admitted to them; and that if they come thither, and are not willing to be their servants, they are sent away from there, by a road at B, and that they are sold by them, in order that thus they may be safe from infestations. When any of the Papal religion come there, they say that they are saints; but they are immediately examined, and they perceive that they know nothing about truth, still less perceive it; wherefore, they are either not admitted, or are sent towards Asia, like the rest. Next they received the Word and read it; and on reading it they perceived nothing of holiness at first, but afterwards more and more of holiness; and then they gave it to their instructors, who said that they have it but have not disclosed the fact. The instructors stated that they dictated it to the men in Africa with whom they have communication, just as the Lord guides [them]. Hence it is evident that there is now a revelation there. Afterwards, also, the work on Heaven and Hell was given to them, which they likewise accepted and preserved; in like manner, also, the ones on The Last Judgment and on The Earths in the Universe, and likewise those on The White Horse, and, lastly, The Doctrine of the New Jerusalem, - in order that they may take thence those things which they consider useful. Tranquillity prevailed there because they were in order. Certain ones attended on Christians, with whom is the Word, and observed that they perceive nothing of truth from good; and they were led to certain Englishmen, and perceived that they do not receive it; a few [do so] from a certain intelligence, but scarcely anyone from perception. Furthermore, I was conducted in spirit to others in Africa; and this region is known to Europeans, and in the maps is called Ethiopia, where a noble race dwell in tents.

Experientiae Spirituales 5946 (original Latin 1748-1764)


Perductus sum a Domino per mutationes status circiter dimidiae horae, quod excedit, versus meridiem, usque ad Africanos sapientiores, et datum est loqui cum illis de variis, et ex sermone cum illis, datum est percipere, quod vera Ecclesiae sciant in se, percurrebant varie illa quae scivi et dixerunt quod omnia illa sciant, et plura, opinatus sum quod essent de illis qui quidem percipiunt vera coeli cum audiunt alios, sed usque quod non loquantur de illis, at apperceptum quod etiam de illis loquantur; loquutus etiam cum illis de cognitionibus quae sunt repraesentativa et correspondentiae, de illis parum sciverunt, sed ostensum illis quid ad sapientiam et ad felicitatem conducunt, cum nempe conjuncta sunt; ostensa sunt varia de illa re, quae etiam illos multum delectaverunt: porro instructus sum ubi illorum optimi, quod nempe ad latus versus mare, plus quam dimidium regionis, cum hac paene forma, quod nempe optimi eorum sint in toto tractu DE, 1

sed quod pejores qui versus Mare Mediterraneum H, etiam ad Caput Bonae Spei F; sic ut regna optimorum sint DE: at qui versus DB, quod est versus Asiam, quod non sapientes sint, et quod ab illis, qui inde veniunt, infestentur, quia loquuntur quae non percipiunt: similiter paene ad C, et quod pejores adhuc versus A ubi Aegyptus. Dicebant quod in magno illo tractu DE colant omnes Dominum, et quod instruantur a multis qui communicant cum angelis coeli, quod communicatio non sit per loquelam ab angelis, sed per interiorem perceptionem, quod illi sint eorum instructores, quos probe cognoscunt ab aliis. - Dixerunt etiam quod ex Europa non admittantur ad illos, et si illuc veniunt, et non servire volunt, dimittantur inde per viam ad B, et quod illis vendantur; sic ut sint tuti ab infestationibus. - Quando illuc veniunt aliqui ex Pontificia religione, dicunt quod sancti sint, sed mox examinantur, et percipiunt quod nihil veri sciant, minus percipiant, quare vel non admittuntur vel mittuntur versus Asiam, ut reliqui. Dein acceperunt Verbum, quod legebant, et cum legerent primum nhil sancti perceperunt, postea sanctius et sanctius, et dederunt dein id suis instructoribus, qui dicebant quod id habeant, sed quod non divulgaverint; dicebant illi, quod dictarent id hominibus in Africa, cum quibus communicationem habent, sicut Dominus ducit: inde patet quod nunc ibi revelatio. - Postea etiam datum est eis opus DE COELO ET INFERNO, quod etiam recipiebant et reservabant: similiter etiam DE ULTIMO JUDICIO et DE TELLURIBUS IN UNIVERSO et quoque DE EQUO ALBO, dein DOCTRINA NOVAE HIEROSOLYMAE, 2

ut illa quae vident utilia, eligant. - Erat ibi tranquillum, quia in ordine. Quidam comitati ad Christianos, ubi Verbum, et apperceperunt, quod nihil veri ex bono percipiant; et perducti ad quosdam anglos, et perceperunt quod non recipiant, pauci ex aliqua intelligentia, et vix ullus ex perceptione.

Porro in spiritu deductus sum ad alios in Africa, qui tractus notus est Europaeis, et in mappis vocatur Aethiopia, ubi habitant in tentoriis, gens bona.


1. Diagram; hujus rei videas ab editore in The New Philosophy 1978 indagationem, sub titulo "Reflections on Africa"

2. h.e. De Nova Hierosolyma et Ejus Doctrina Coelesti

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