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《灵界经历》 第5959节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5959


I have spoken with Athanasius. He said that he does not know his God. He seeks the Father, seeks the Son, and seeks the holy spirit, these three, and never finds them; consequently he cannot find his God. He complained vehemently about his lot. The reason is that he has confirmed himself in the opinion that there are three Persons. But the rest, who have simply heard this and not confirmed themselves in it as he did, if they have led a charitable life are at length directed to acknowledging the Lord as the Only God. It is due to the Providence of the Lord that few think about it but only hear [about it] from this creed and do not seriously keep it in mind and do not confirm [it].

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5959


I spoke with Athanasius. He said that he does not know his God: that he seeks the Father, seeks the Son, and seeks the Holy Spirit - thus the three - and never finds: consequently, that he is unable to find his God. He complained bitterly about his lot. The reason is, because he had confirmed himself in the opinion of three persons; but the rest, who have merely heard these things out of his creed and have not confirmed themselves in them as he did, if they had led a life of charity, are at length determined to acknowledge the Lord as the only God. Wherefore, it is the Lord's Providence that few think about it, but merely hear those things from that creed, and hold them lightly, and do not confirm them.

Experientiae Spirituales 5959 (original Latin 1748-1764)


Loquutus sum cum Athanasio, is dixit, quod non sciat suum Deum, quod quaerat Patrem, quaerat Filium et quaerat spiritum sanctum, ita tres, et nusquam inveniat, ita quod non possit invenire suum Deum, conquestus est valde de sua sorte; causa est, quia ille confirmaverat se in opinione de tribus Personis, at reliqui qui modo ex fide ejus audiverunt illa, et non confirmaverunt se in iis sicut ille, illi si vitam charitatis egerant, determinantur tandem ad agnoscendum Dominum pro Solo Deo, quapropter ex Providentia Domini est, quod pauci cogitent de eo, sed modo audiant, ex illo symbolo, et leviter retineant illa, nec confirment.

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