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《灵界经历》 第5989节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 5989

5989. But still those from that group can be saved who have not convinced themselves of such things, and more those who have been ignorant of them and primarily believed the Lord was worshiped there, and that together with faith there needs to be life [based on faith].

[2] At this time it was also related that they had hideously killed some of those who had denied such things, thinking that if they did not kill them, those would make their secrets public, and the congregation would perish and they could no longer be among Christians.

[3] They were told that that in the hells there are those who acknowledge the Father as creator of the universe but none of them who acknowledge the Lord, and that in heaven all acknowledge the Lord; and because in so doing they deny and profane the Lord's Divinity and together with this also the Word; they who confirm themselves in this become the worst in the hells.

[4] They believe that when they have their faith, they are justified and living, thus when they accept their mysteries, and that then all things they do are good, that even what is evil is good, which they likewise impiously explain away, things such as killing those opposed to their religion, besides defrauding and stealing and the like, because they pervert these things through twisted explanations.

[5] After this they were secretly plotting my death and were with killers, and were in concealment below me and were doing this.

[6] After this all of these were called together and examined as to whether they had been unanimous in their belief that the Lord had only a Human nature and not a Divine one, and whether they had entirely rejected all charity. And by this examination it was found that there were in fact some of them who had not held such an atrocious doctrinal belief and were ignorant of those atrocious secrets. On this account they were gathered together and separated, and those of them who held such atrocious doctrinal beliefs formed 2:3, which appeared black; but the 1:3 that were not like this appeared to some extent from a light in which there was something fiery. When they were separated, those atrocious ones were then given to many as slaves, and they picked servants from these. And this was so done so that they could never be together and form any group, for in that in case they would plan atrocious things. The rest too were divided in sent into suitable societies, although they wanted to be together, but this was prohibited.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 5989

5989. but that, still, those can be saved out of that congregation who did not confirm themselves in such things; and, yet more, those who were ignorant of them and believed that the Lord was worshipped among them in the chief place, and that there ought to be life also, together with faith.

It is, also, now related that they have basely slain some of their number who denied such things, averring that they would consequently divulge their secret tenets, and so their congregation would perish and they could no longer be among Christians.

They were told that they who acknowledge the Father as Creator of the universe are in the hells, but none of those who acknowledge the Lord, and that all in heaven acknowledge the Lord; also, that, since they thus deny and profane the Lord's Divine, and at the same time the Word also, they who have confirmed themselves in this become the worst in the hells.

They believe, that, when they have their faith, consequently if they receive their secret doctrines, they are justified and living, and that then all things they do are good, even that evil is good - which they also explain in an abominable manner - such as killing those who are opposed to their religion, also defrauding, stealing and the like; because they pervert [the commands forbidding] those things, by sinister [interpretations].

After this, they secretly plotted murder against me, and were in company with assassins, and in concealment under me: they also attempted it. Afterwards, all of them were called together and explored as to whether they were at one in believing that the Lord has a Human only and not a Divine, and whether they entirely rejected the whole of charity; and it was found, by thorough search, that there were also some of them who did not hold any such execrable dogma, and were ignorant of those abominable secret tenets: wherefore, they were assembled together and classified; and they who held those execrable dogmas were a two-thirds part; - these appeared black but the one-third part who were not like this, appeared as somewhat of light, in which was a something fiery. When they were separated, then those abominable ones were given in servitude to many: and they took of them, servants: and thus it came about that they were never together, nor formed any congregation for, in that case, they would plot abominations. The rest were also classified, and sent to suitable societies, although they wished to be together; but this is forbidden.

Experientiae Spirituales 5989 (original Latin 1748-1764)

5989. Sed quod usque salvari possint ex illa congregatione, qui se in talibus non confirmaverunt, et plus qui nesciverunt, et crediderint Dominum ibi coli primario, et quod vita etiam simul cum fide debeat esse.

[2] Narratum etiam est nunc, quod occiderint foede aliquos ex illis, qui negaverunt talia, autumantes quod sin vulgarent arcana eorum, ac sin periret congregatio, et non amplius inter Christianos esse possent.

[3] Dicebatur illis quod sint in infernis qui agnoscunt Patrem ut creatorem universi, sed nullus eorum qui agnoscunt Dominum, et quod in coelo omnes agnoscant Dominum; et quia ita Domini Divinum negant et prophanant, et simul quoque Verbum, quod illi qui se in eo confirmarunt, pessimi fiant in infernis.

[4] Credunt quod cum suam fidem habent, quod sint justificati et vivi, proinde si recipiunt arcana eorum, et quod tunc omnia quae faciunt sint bonum, etiam malum sit bonum, quod etiam nefando modo explicant, sicut occidere illos qui contra religionem eorum, tum defraudare et furari, et similia, quia pervertunt illa per sinistra.

[5] Postea illi clandestine moliebantur contra me necem, et erant cum homicidis, ac erant in abscondito sub me, et id faciebant.

[6] Postea convocabantur omnes ex illis, et explorabantur num unanimiter crediderint quod Domino solum Humanum et non Divinum, et num prorsus rejecerint omne charitatis, et per explorationem inventum quod etiam aliqui ex illis non tale nefandum dogma habuerint, et quod nesciverint arcana illa nefanda, quare congregabantur et separabantur, et illi qui talia dogmata nefanda tenuerunt fuerint partes, quae etiam apparuerunt nigri, at pars non talis qui apparuerunt aliquantum ex luce, in qua aliquid igneum; cum separati sunt, tunc illi nefandi dati sunt multis, in servitia, et sumebant ex illis servos, et sic factum ut nusquam simul essent et facerent aliquam congregationem, sic enim molituri nefanda: reliqui etiam divisi sunt, et missi in convenientes societates, tametsi voluerunt simul esse, sed hoc prohibitum.

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