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《灵界经历》 第6003节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6003

6003. receiving from the Lord the freedom to think what is good and true, and that this indeed appears to be theirs although it is the Lord's in them. And [they were told] that from this freedom people should turn to the Lord as it were from themselves and do what is good for the sake of eternal life. But they did not acknowledge this. They said that nothing is man's; but it was replied that this is given to man as his own so that he may be able to receive that which comes from the Lord, and that without this reception, which is reciprocal, nothing is communicated and appropriated. Besides this they were granted to establish that there is exactly as much of faith as there is of good of such a will.

[2] It was said to them that when they devote themselves to goodness in life they then receive spiritual affection for truth, and that they then also receive enlightenment so that they can see genuine truths, because good loves these and joins them to itself. Otherwise they receive only falsities and are in thick darkness.

[3] They say that those who are in the Lord do not do what is evil; and they conclude from this that because they have been justified by faith, there is nothing evil in their life. The conclusion is false: this happens when the good of life reigns in a person, and this cannot reign unless the person abstains from evil and strives for what is good for the sake of the Lord, heaven, and eternal life; then a person is introduced into it and joined to heaven and the Lord, and then the Lord begins to produce what is good in both a person's thinking and willing. He brings a person to reflecting on these and his intentions, and on the actions that resulted from these; and when a person comes into this state as a result of reflection, then this state becomes the reigning state. But this state can never become the dominant state, and a person thus be led by the Lord through faith alone which produces the belief that a person cannot to do good from himself and that evil therefore is not imputed to him.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6003

6003. but it was shown them, that man is not like a stock; for he continually receives from the Lord freedom to think good and truth, and that it appears indeed as if it were the man's, although it is the Lord's in the man; also that man, from this freedom as it were his own, ought to turn himself to the Lord, and do good on account of eternal life. But this they did not acknowledge. They said that nothing is of man; but it was answered, that this is granted to man as his, to the end that he may be able to receive that which comes from the Lord; and without reception, which is a reciprocal thing, there is no communication, or appropriation. - Moreover, it was granted them to ascertain, by investigation, that there is exactly so much of faith as there is of the good of such will.

They were told that they receive the spiritual affection of truth when they cultivate the good of life, and that they also then receive enlightenment to see genuine truths, because good loves these and conjoins them to itself. Otherwise, they receive nothing but falsities, and are in darkness.

They say that those who are in the Lord do not commit evil; and they conclude from this, that, inasmuch as they have been justified by faith, there is nothing evil in their life. This conclusion is false. This takes place when good of life reigns with man and this cannot reign, except man, for the sake of the Lord, heaven and eternal life, abstains from evils and cultivates good. Man is then initiated into that [good], and is conjoined with heaven and the Lord; and the Lord then begins to operate good in the thought and in the will. He causes the man to reflect upon these, and his intentions, and upon the deeds from them; and when man comes into that state, from reflection, then does that state become a reigning one. But that state can never become a reigning one, and so man be led by the Lord, through faith alone; for that induces the belief that he cannot do good from himself, and that, therefore, evil is not imputed to him.

Experientiae Spirituales 6003 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6003. continue a Domino liberum cogitandi bonum et verum, et quod quidem appareat ut hominis tametsi sit Domini apud hominem, et quod homo ex hoc libero tanquam suo se ad Dominum convertere debeat, et facere bonum propter vitam aeternam, sed hoc non agnoverunt, dixerunt esse nihil hominis, sed responsum est, quod hoc detur homini ut suum, ut possit recipere id quod a Domino venit, et absque receptione, quae reciprocum est, nulla communicatio et appropriatio. - Praeterea datum illis explorare, quod prorsus tantum fidei sit quantum bonum talis voluntatis.

[2] Dictum eis quod tunc recipiant affectionem veri spiritualem quando student bono vitae, et quod etiam tunc accipiant illustrationem ut videant genuina vera, quia bonum amat illa, et conjungit illa sibi. Alioquin non recipiunt nisi falsa, et in tenebris sunt.

[3] Dicunt quod non malum faciant illi qui in Domino sunt, et inde deducunt quod quia per fidem justificati sunt, nihil malum in vita eorum sit, hoc conclusum est falsum; ita fit quando bonum vitae regnat apud hominem, et hoc non regnare potest, nisi homo propter Dominum, coelum, vitam aeternam abstineat a malis et studeat bono, tunc initiatur homo in illud, et conjungitur coelo et Domino, et tunc incipit Dominus operari bonum tam in cogitatione et in voluntate, facit ut homo reflectat super illa et intentiones suas et super facta ex illis, et cum homo in eum statum ex reflexione venit, tunc fit ille status regnans: sed nusquam potest status ille fieri regnans, et sic homo duci a Domino, per solam fidem, quae inducit credere quod non possit bonum a se facere, et quod malum ideo ei non imputetur.

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