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《灵界经历》 第6006节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6006

6006. About Freedom

I heard some spirits speaking, and then I perceived from the Lord that without freedom there is no reformation because if a person is not in freedom he does not engage in affirming a matter [on which his attention] is being held, consequently he has no extended thought and understanding because he believes that what he has is true and does not see the opposite. In a word, he is not in spiritual equilibrium. A person who has freedom can be led by the Lord to view [a matter] from both sides and so see all things rationally and thus spiritually.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6006

6006. FREEDOM.

I heard some spirits talking, and then perceived, from the Lord, that without freedom there is no reformation, for the reason that if a man be not in freedom, he is not in the hearty affirmation of the matter in which he is kept, and consequently has no extension of thought and intelligence; for he then believes that to be true in which he is, and does not see opposing considerations; in a word, he is not in spiritual equilibrium. He who is in this, can be led by the Lord to scrutinize a matter on both sides, and so to see everything in a rational, and thus in a spiritual, manner.

Experientiae Spirituales 6006 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6006. De Libero

Audivi aliquos spiritus loquentes, et percepi tunc a Domino, quod absque libero nulla reformatio, causa quia si non in libero, non est in affirmatione rei, in qua tenetur, et sic non habet extensionem cogitationis et intelligentiae, nam credit tunc id verum esse, in quo est, et non videt opposita, verbo non est in aequilibrio spirituali, qui in eo est, is duci potest a Domino ad perspiciendum ab utraque parte, et sic videre omnia rationaliter et sic spiritualiter.

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