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《灵界经历》 第6035节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6035

6035. The nature of the spiritual state relative to the natural state

The spiritual state in which all spirits and angels are has innumerable [characteristics] that do not fall into natural mental images, and as a consequence cannot be expressed. I have known about it, but yet have been unable to describe it. Now it has been given to know the nature of the state.

1. ) 1Take this example: man wet at skilnad ar emellan konen, qwin och mans, denna skilnaden formercka de med sina varietater.

؊a samma skilnad faller in i alla ideer, uti gestus, i tahl, och alt sadant kan exprimeras lingua spirituali.

ؓamma skilnad faller in uti decoramenter uti husen, at man kan se af dem at der ar frun betydande konet.

ؓammaledes wisar det sig uti det som utantils ar, sa at man kan se at det liknar arten af det konet.

ؓammaledes uti hwart meuble uti hus, och sa i alt som tenckes och ses.

2. ) Hwarfore och alla kamrar i hus aro sa formerade med fenster, och alla der warande meubler efter derass bruk, efter hustruns, efter mans, efter jungfrurs, etter barns, efter drengars, sammaledes decoramenter i tak, wid fenster, pa dorar, sa at det och det faller strax in til hwad behof.

3. ) Alla affectioner, passioner, goda och elaka effigieras likaledes,

, och det med alla sina varieteter in specie, sa at hwar species har sitt serskild och alt sadant kan oendligen varieras, och da beholla sin likhet in communi.

4. ) Sammaledes conjunctionerna emellan affectioner, med oendeligit mehra.

5. ) Sammaledes i alt hwad man tencker ifran det ena til det andra som til exempel difficulteter, faciliteter, beswaren, begiaren, nyttorna, med alt annat, de kunna tenckas i redighet, de kunna opskrifwas, de kunna optecknas, de kunna i pricka effigieras ad visum, och ses.

6. ) Alt sadant kan intet inkomma in ideas cogitationis naturalis, derest icke rationale har sin existence af spirituali.

7. ) Variationerna af alt som ses, aro ock relativa efter situm ad plagas, hwarfore ock hwar och [en] weta sina stellen och sittia.

8. ) In the third heaven countless more are presented to view, thousands of which are presented as one in the lower heavens.

9. ) They are able to describe general and particular kinds of aromas with imagery and with words.

10. ) They also know diseases from correspondences; they have medicines that correspond and by which they also are healed; however, everything is from a spiritual origin.

11. ) The whole nature of a thing, of a person and of a place can be given a name there, and from hearing the name the nature is immediately known together with many things in it. This cannot happen in the natural world.


1. 1) Take this example. People know that there is a difference between the sexes, female and male; they notice this difference with all its variations.

؏f course, this difference appears in all the ways of seeing things, in gestures, and in speech; and all such [differences] can be expressed by spiritual language.

The same difference appears in all the decor in houses. You can see from them that it is the wife who is the significant sex.

— It shows likewise in what is on the outside, so that you can see that it resembles the nature of that sex.

— It shows likewise in the furniture in the house, and the same in all you can think of and see.

2. ) For this reason too all rooms in a house are designed the way they are with windows, and all the furniture in them according to their use, the wife's, the husband's, the girlsҬ the children's, the male servantsҬ similarly the decorations on the ceiling, around the windows and on the door, so everything is laid out just where it is needed.

3. ) All affections, passions, good and bad, are presented in effigy in the same way, and this with all their particular varieties, so that every particular affection has its own separate effigy. And all such things can be endlessly varied and at the same time keep their general similarity.

4. ) Likewise the conjunctions between the affections, together with endless more.

5. ) Likewise as regards everything one thinks about, from one thing to another; for example, difficulties, opportunities, problems, desires, uses and everything else: they can be thought about clearly, they can be written down, they can be drawn up, they can be visibly effigied in least detail and seen.

6. ) All these kinds of things cannot fall into the ideas of natural thought, when what is rational does not come into being from what is spiritual.

7. ) The variations of all that is seen are also relative according to the position in relation to the quarters; on which account, also, all know their places and seats.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6035


The spiritual state in which all spirits and angels are, has numberless [features] which do not fall into natural ideas, and hence cannot be expressed. I was acquainted with it, but still was not able to describe it: now, it is granted me to know of what character that state is. 1. Let there be an example: 1it is known that there is a difference between the female and male sex; this difference they perceive with its varieties. Yea, the same difference comes into all ideas, into gestures, into speech; and all such things can be expressed in spiritual language. The same difference comes into the decorations of the houses; so that one can see, by them, that the sex is there expressed. In the same way, it shows itself in that which is outside; so that one can see that it is like the kind of that sex. In the same way, in every piece of furniture in the houses and so in everything that is thought of and seen. 2. Wherefore, also, all chambers in houses are formed with windows and all furniture, there, is according to their uses, according to that of wife's, of husband's, of virgins', of children's, of man-servants; - even so decorations on ceilings, on windows, on doors; so that their uses are at once perceived. 3. All affections, good and bad, are also presented in effigy and this with all their varieties of species, so that every species has its own [effigy] separate. And all such things can be infinitely varied, and at the same time keep its general likeness. 4. In the same way the conjunctions between the affections, with more things without limit. 5. In the same way in everything one thinks about, from one thing to another; for example, difficulties, facilities, exertions, affections, uses, and everything else: they can be thought about clearly; they may be written down; they may be drawn up; they may, to a dot, be rendered in effigy to the sight, and be seen. 6. All such things cannot fall into the ideas of natural thought, unless the rational exists from the spiritual. 7. The variations of all that is seen, are relative according to, situation in relation to the quarters; wherefore, also, all know their places and sit [in them].

(8.) In the third heaven innumerable more things are presented, thousands of which appear as one thing in the lower heavens.

(9.) They are able to express the genera and species of aromas, by ideas, and by words.

(10.) They are also acquainted with diseases, from correspondence. They have medicines which correspond, and whereby also they are cured; nevertheless, everything is from a spiritual origin.

(11.) The whole character of a thing, person, or place, can have a name assigned it there; and from the hearing of the name, the quality, together with many things which are therein, is instantly known. This cannot take place in the natural world.


1. From this point to the end of "7," the original is mainly in Swedish, and runs thus:

man wet at skilnad ar emellan konen, qwin och mans, denna skilnaden formercka de med sina varietates. -ja samma skilnad faller in i alla ideer, uti gestus, i tahl, och alt sadant kan exprimeras lingva spirituali. -samma skilnad faller in uti decoramenter uti husen, at man kan se af dem at der ar betgdande konet, -sammaledes wisar det sig vti det som vtantils ar, sa at man kan se at det liknar arten at det konet. --sammaledes vti hwart meuble uti hus, och sa i alt som tenckes och ses.

2. Hwarfore och alla kamrar i hus aro sa formerade med fenster, och alla der warande meubler efter derass bruk, efter hustrurs, efter mans, efter jungfrurs, etter barns, efter drengars, sammaledes decoramenter i tak, wid fenster, pa dorrar, sa at det och det faller strax in tilhwad behof,

3. alla affectioner, passioner, goda och elaka effigieras likaledes, -och det med alla sina varieteter in specie, sa hwar species har sitt serskilt-och alt sadant kan oendeligen varieras, och da behalla sin likhet in communi,

4. Sammaledes conjunctionerna emellan affectioner, med oendeligit mehra.

5. Sammaledes i alt hwad man tencker ifran det ena til det andra som til exempel difficulteter, faciliteter, beswaren, begiaren, nyttorne, med alt annat, de kunna tenckas i redighet, de kunna opskrifwas, de kunna optecknas, de kunna i pricka effigieras ad visum och ses.

6. alt sadant kan intet inkomma in ideas cogitationis naturalis, derest icke rationale har sin existence at spirituali.

7. variationerne af alt som ses, aro ock relativa efter sitnm ad plagas, hwarfore ock hwar och (en) weta sins stellen och sittia-

Experientiae Spirituales 6035 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6035. Status spiritualis qualis est respectu ad statum naturalem

Status spiritualis in quo sunt omnes spiritus et angeli, innumerabilia habet, quae non cadunt in ideas naturales, et inde non exprimi possunt, hoc scivi, sed usque non potui describere, nunc datum est scire qualis ille status est.

1) 1

Sit exemplum, man wet at skilnad ar emellan konen, qwin och mans, denne skilnaden formercka de med sina varieteter.

- Ja samma skilnad faller in i alla ideer, uti gestus, i tahl, och alt sadant kan exprimeras lingua spirituali.

- Samma skilnad faller in uti decoramenter uti husen, at man kan se af dem at der ar frun betydande kopnet.

- Sammaledes wisar det sig uti det som utantils ar, sa at man kan se at det liknar arten af det konet.

- Sammaledes uti hwart meuble uti hus, och sai alt som tenckas och ses.

2) Hwarfore ock alla kamrar i hus aro sa formerade med fenster, och alla der warande meubler efter derass bruk, efter hustrurs, efter mans, efter jungfrurs, efter barns, efter drengars, sammaledes decoramenter i tak, wid fenster, pa dorar, sa at det och det faller strax in til hwad behof.

3) Alla affectioner, passioner, goda och elaka effigieras likaledes,

- och det med alla sina varieteter in specie, sa at hwar species har sitt serskild och alt sadant kan oendligen varieras, och da beholla sin likhet in communi.

4) Sammaledes conjunctionerna emellan affectioner, med oendeli git mehra.

5) Sammaledes i alt hwad man tenckar ifran det ena til det andra som til exempel difficulteter, faciliteter, beswaren, begiaren, nyttorna, med alt annat, de kunna tenckas i redighet, de kunna opskrifwas, de kunna optecknas, de kunna i pricka effigieras ad visum, och ses.

6) Alt sadant kan intet inkomma in ideas cogitationis naturalis, derest icke rationale har sin existence af spirituali.

7) Variationerna af alt som ses, aro ock relativa efter situm ad plagas, hwarfore ock hwar och [en] weta sina stellen och sittia.

8) In tertio coelo innumerabilia plura sistuntur, millena quae ut unum in coelis inferioribus.

9) Possunt aromatum genera et species per ideas et per voces exprimere.

10) Sciunt eiam morbos ex correspondentia, habent medicamenta quae correspondent, et quibus etiam sanantur, omnia tamen ex origine spirituali.

11) Omne quale rei, personae et loci potest ibi nominari, ac ex audito nomine noscitur statim quale cum multis quae inibi, hoc non fieri potest in mundo naturali.


1. sententiae 1 ad 7 quoad maximam partem suecice in ms. apparentes, latine intelligendae sunt ut sequitur:

1) Sit exemplum, notum est quod differentia sit inter sexus, faemininum et masculinum, hanc differentiam cum varietatibus suis percipiunt.

- Imo eadem differentia in omnes ideas incidit, in gestus, in loquelam, et omnia talia lingua spirituali exprimi possunt.

- Eadem differentia incidit in decoramenta in domibus, sic ut de iis dici possit, quod ibi faemina sexus valentior sit.

- Siiliter se ostendit hoc in eo quod foras est, sic ut dici possit, quod hoc [vel illud] naturae hujus sexus simile sit.

- Similiter in omni apparatu in domo, ac ita in omnia quae cogitantur et videntur.

2) Quare etiam omnia conclavia in domo fenestris, et omnibus supellectilibus inibi secundum usum eorum instructa sunt, sic secundum uxoris, secundummariti, secundum puellarum, secundum liberorum, secundum famularum, similiter decoramenta in tecto, in fenestris, super januis, sic ut hoc vel illud statim cuicunque necessitati incidat.

3) Omnes affectiones, passiones, bonae et malae quoque effinguntur,

- et hoc cum omnibus varietatibus suis in specie, sic, ut quaevis species suum distinctum habeat et omnia talia infinite variari possint, et usque similitu dinem suam in communi conservare.

4) Similiter conjunctiones inter affectionibus, praeter infinite plura.

5) Similiter in omnibus quae cogitantur ab una [extremitate] ad alteram ut exempli causa difficultates, facilitates, molestiae, cupiditates, usus, praeter alia haec possunt in claritate cogitari, possunt scribi, possunt memorari, in punctulo possunt ad visum effigi, et videri.

6) Omnia talia non intrae possunt in ideas cogitationis naturalis ubi rationale suam existentiam ex spirituali non habet.

7) Variationes omnium, quae videntur, etiam relativae sunt secundum situm ad plagas, quare etiam unusquisque sua loca et suas sedes norunt.

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