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《灵界经历》 第6041节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6041

6041. About Calvin

Calvin was in a society of heaven but far from the center, and he still held the doctrine of the Church in which he was in the World. He told me that he had corresponded with Luther about faith and about good works, and that Luther did listen and attend, and he showed [him] that if faith alone were accepted, those things that are in the Word would be contradicted, and still they had to be conjoined, and that Luther had hesitated in reading the letters and had replied that if he were to accept works, he could not separate far from the Papists.

[2] And subsequently they communicated by letters and Calvin remained in his faith coupled with good works, but Luther in faith alone, believing that faith certainly produces these just as the tree produces fruit, saying that there is a conjunction, but that he had not thought this out as his disciples [had]. He wrote to Calvin that he could not give support to works because these came from man, from whom no good can come, and because there is merit in them. Calvin was accepted in his own society because he is an upright person and does not make disturbances. I heard this from one of the governors of the society.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6041

6041. CALVIN.

Calvin was in a society of heaven, but a long way from the middle [of the society], and was still in such church doctrine as he was in, in the world. He converged with me, and said that he had corresponded with Luther about faith and good works, and Luther paid attention and that he had shown that, if faith alone were adopted, then things which are in the Word would be contradicted, and yet these must be conjoined; also, that Luther had hesitated on reading his books, and had replied that if he received works, he would not recede far from the Papists; and afterwards they communicated by letter, and Calvin remained in faith accompanied by good works, but Luther in faith alone, believing that faith does indeed produce them as a tree does fruit, and saying that there is a conjunction - but he did not think about it as his followers have done. He wrote to Calvin, that he could not establish works because they are from man, from whom is no good, and because there is merit in them. Calvin was received in his society, because he was upright and did not make disturbances. I heard this from one who was governor of the society.

Experientiae Spirituales 6041 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6041. De Calvino

Calvinus erat in societate una coeli, sed longinque e medio, et erat adhuc in tali doctrina Ecclesiae, in qua fuit in Mundo, loquebatur mecum, quod corresponderit cum Luthero de fide et de bonis operibus, audiebat etiam Lutherus, et quod ostenderit quod si sola fides acceptaretur, quod tunc illa quae in Verbo contradicerentur, et quod usque conjungenda sint, et quod Lutherus haesitaverit in legendo literas, et responderit quod si opera reciperet, quod non recederet longe a Pontificiis: et dein per literas communicabant, et Calvinus permansit in fide cum bonis operibus, at Lutherus in sola fide, credens quod fides quidem producat illa sicut arbor fructum, dicens quod conjunctio sit, sed non illam excogitavit sicut asseclae ejus; scripsit Calvino, quod non confirmare opera posset, quia ab homine, a quo non bonum, et [quia] meritum in illis. Calvinus in sua societate acceptus est, quia probus, [nec] turbas facit, audivi hoc de uno moderatore societatis.

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