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《灵界经历》 第6056节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6056

6056. About the apartments in buildings

The case with the apartments of buildings is that, depending on their location, the inhabitant and others in one apartment do not have the same temperament as those in another; their pleasures vary, so that in one apartment there is the pleasure of applying oneself and functioning in one's position, in another the pleasure of travel, in another the pleasure of conversation, and in another the pleasure of being with one's wife, in another the pleasure of eating, and in another they have a close communication with those outside, in others a more remote communication. Spirits know as if of themselves that when they go into a particular room, they have the possibility of doing this or that, and so on, with great variety, and depending on their likings. The cause of this comes particularly from the regions and from the temperaments of those dwelling in these regions rather than in others.؅veryone also knows his own place in the room, the place that suits his temperament. He goes there as soon as he enters, and if someone other appears in his place, he goes out. It is the same in Churches. This is the case in these particular instances because the greatest and the least forms in the heavens are similar in such a manner that there is an image of heaven in each detail.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6056


It is a peculiarity of the apartments of houses, resulting from their situation, that the dweller, occupant, and others, in one apartment, have a different disposition from those in another. The delights are different; so that in one apartment there is the delight of studying and discharging duty; in another, the delight of going out; in another, the delight of social interaction, and in another the delight of being in the society of one's wife; in another, the delight of eating; in another, they have close communication with those who are outside, and in others a distant one. Spirits know, as of themselves, that, if they enter such an apartment, this or that thing is possible to them; and so forth, with much variety and according to their affections. This peculiarity derives its cause chiefly from the quarters, and from the inclinations to dwell in one quarter rather than in others. Also, everyone knows his own place in the apartment; which place accords with his disposition. He proceeds to it as soon as he enters; and if another appears in that place, he goes away. It is similar in the churches. This is the case in these particulars, because the greatest form and least form in the heavens are similar; so that there is an image of heaven in the single details.

Experientiae Spirituales 6056 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6056. De domuum conclavibus

Domuum conclavia ex situ eorum habent, quod non similis animus sit inhabitatori et aliis in uno conclavi sicut in alio, jucunda variantur, ut in uno conclavi jucundum est studere, et fungi officio, in altero jucundum exeundi, in altero jucundum conversandi, et in altero jucundum cum uxore sua esse, in altero jucundum edendi, in altero communicant prope cum illis qui extra sunt, in aliis remote, sciunt spiritus sicut ex se, quod si in illud conclave veniant, hoc aut illud iis possibile sit, et sic porro cum multa varietate, etiam secundum affectiones eorum; hoc imprimis ducit causam ex plagis, et ex animis habitandi in illis plagis prae in aliis. - Etiam unusquisque scit suum locum in conclavi, qui concordat cum ejus animo, illuc vadit ut primum intrat, et si alius in eo loco apparet, exit. Simile est in Templis, hoc in his particularibus est, quia forma maxima et forma minima in coelis similes sunt, sic ut sit imago coeli in singulis.

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