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《灵界经历》 第6084节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6084

6084. About the Speech of the Third heaven

I spoke with spirits about angelic speech, that spiritual speech cannot all be understood at all by anyone who is in a natural state, but that natural speech can be understood by spirits who are in a spiritual state, but only according to correspondences; likewise also the reverse, but then spiritual speech falls into natural speech. It is a result of this that a person on earth does not know anything about the spirits among whom he is, nor does a spirit know anything about the person with whom he is.

It was explained to them that spiritual angels are not able to understand heavenly speech, that is, speech of the angels of the third heaven, because the speech of the latter is the speech arising from affections. When they marveled at this, an angel from there spoke with them, and they did not understand a thing, through which it was firmly established that angels of the third heaven have a higher level of speech.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6084


I conversed with spirits about angelic speech, and said that spiritual speech cannot be at all understood by anyone who is in a natural state; but that natural speech can be understood by spirits who are in a spiritual state, though only according to correspondences - and likewise the reverse, but, in that case, spiritual speech falls into natural. Hence it is, that man does not know anything about the spirits amongst whom he is, nor a spirit know anything about the man with whom he is.

They were told that the spiritual angels are not able to understand celestial speech, or that of the angels of the third heaven, because their speech is the speech of affections. As this occasioned surprise, an angel from that heaven spoke with them, and they did not understand anything at all; by which was established that the angels of the third heaven have a higher speech.

Experientiae Spirituales 6084 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6084. De Loquela Tertii coeli

Loquutus sum cum spiritibus de loquela angelica, quod spiritualis loquela prorsus non possit intelligi ab ullo qui est in naturali statu, sed quod possit loquela naturalis intelligi a spiritibus qui in spirituali, sed solum secundum correspondentias, similiter etiam vicissim, sed tunc cadit spiritualis loquela in naturalem, inde est, quod homo non sciat aliquid de spiritibus inter quos est, nec spiritus scit aliquid de homine, cum quo est.

Dictum illis quod nec spirituales possint intelligere loquelam coelestem seu angelorum tertii coeli, quia loquela eorum est loquela affectionum, quod cum mirati, loquutus est inde angelus cum illis, et non intellexerunt quicquam, per quod confirmatum est, quod superior loquela sit angelis tertii coeli.

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