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《灵界经历》 第6096节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 6096

6096. [numbered by Tr.] About marriage love, outline

I NB. In the Divine sense it is the marriage of love and wisdom in the Lord, thus the two become an image of the Lord.

II The marriage of the Lord with Heaven and the Church.

III The marriage of love and wisdom, or of good and truth.

IV Heaven is called a marriage, and so also the Church.

V The Word is a marriage because it is Divine Good united to Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord.

VI Mankind, male and female, or rather husband and wife, are especially that marriage; that marriage is in the least of nature.

VII Marriage love is the foundation of all loves.

VIII Marriage love is a heavenly love.

IX Marriage love is not possible other than between two.

X Two marriage partners are continually being united, and potency and delight increase in proportion to their union.

XI Adultery is a coupling of the devil and those who are adulterers; it is a coupling of evil and falsity.

XII Hell is adultery, yes, evil [is adultery]. When they commit [adultery] among themselves, they say that there is no sin.

XIII The adulteration of the good of the Word and the falsification of its truth is adultery. Many things about this.

XIV Adultery is contrary to creation.

XV Adultery is the fundamental love of all evils.

XVI Adultery is a mixing of many lives in one entity.

XVII Sexual potency decreases and becomes common, with no sensation, and finally there is aversion.

XVIII What sorts of whoredoms adulteries are which destroy marriage love.

XIX Various kinds of adulteries, see immediately below.

About marriage and adultery

XX To acknowledge charity and not faith is adultery of a brother and sister.

XXI Through marriage love a person is formed so that the person is a form of love, from which come all the rest of heavenly loves.

XXII Adultery results in the destruction of that form.

XXIII Hell is adultery.

XXIV The following correspond to the act of adultery there:

XXV Those who worship only the Father and have no thought about what is Divine in the Lord are involved in adultery like that of a brother with a sister.

XXVI Those who have faith alone are involved in adultery like that of a mother with a son.

XXVIII 1Those who are taken up with the literal meaning [of the Word] alone and study it only for the sake of honor are involved in adultery of a father with a daughter-in-law.

XXIX Those who have the highest degree of the love of commanding from a love of self and not for the sake of uses are in Sodom.

XXX Those who find delight in variety in adultery are those who love intercourse with animals, and they become like the mucus of the nose.

XXXI An experience in the night, produced by those above in the expanse who have faith alone: those same things that are in the creed of faith separate [from charity] are turned into various foul whoredoms.

mRapes such as they are in the cadaverous hell. Today there are rapes in marriages, described.n


1. Paragraph XXVII is missing in the original manuscript.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 6096


I. N. B. - In the Divine sense, it is the marriage of love and wisdom in the Lord: hence the two [partners] are an image of the Lord.

II. 1. The marriage of the Lord with Heaven and the Church.

III. 2. The marriage of love and wisdom, or of good and truth.

IV. 3. Heaven is called a marriage - and the church, also.

V. 4. The Word is a marriage, because it is Divine Good united with Divine Truth proceeding from the Lord.

VI. 5. Man, male and female, or husband and wife, are especially that marriage. That marriage is in every single thing in nature.

VII. 6. Conjugial love is the fundamental of all loves.

VIII. 7. Conjugial love is a heavenly love.

IX. 8. Conjugial love is not possible, save between two.

X. 9. Two married partners are continually being united, and according to the unition, potency and delight increase.

XI. 10. Adultery is the union of the devil and those who are adulterers. It is the union of evil and falsity.

XII. Hell is adultery, and evil, also. There cannot be found any who say it is in themselves.

XIII. The adulteration of the good of the Word, and the falsification of its truth, is adultery: many things about this.

XIV. Adultery is opposed to creation.

XV. Adultery is the fundamental love of all evils.

XVI. Adultery is the commingling of many lives in one.

XVII. Potency diminishes, and aversion takes place; it also becomes common, unaccompanied by any sensation, and, at last, there is aversion.

XVIII. What sort of whoredoms the adulteries which destroy conjugial love are.

XIX. The various kinds of adulteries: see immediately above.


XX. To acknowledge charity and not faith, is adultery of a brother and a sister.

XXI. Man is formed by conjugial love, to be a form of love, whence come all the remaining heavenly loves.

XXII. The destruction of that form is from adulteries.

XXIII. Hell is adultery.

XXIV. The following things correspond to the acts of adulteries there:

XXV. Those who worship only the Father, and think nothing of the Lord's Divine, are in the adultery as of a brother with a sister.

XXVI. Those who are in faith alone, are in the adultery as of a mother with a son.

XXVIII. 1Those who are in the mere sense of the letter, and study that for the sake of honor only, are in the adultery of a father with a daughter-in-law.

XXIX. Those who are in the highest degree of the love of ruling from the love of self, and not for the sake of use, are in Sodom.

XXX. Those who are in the delight of variety of adultery, are such as love commerce with beasts and they become like the mucus of the nostrils.

XXXI. [I learned] by experience, in the night time, from those in faith alone who were in an expanse above, that those same things which are in the creed of faith separated, are turned into various foul whoredoms.


1. There is no section XXVII., here, in the original. -TR.

Experientiae Spirituales 6096 (original Latin 1748-1764)

6096. De amore conjugiali, ordo 1

I. NB. In Divino sensu quod sit conjugium amoris et sapientiae in Domino, inde duo fiant imago Domini.

II. 2

De conjugio Domini cum Coelo et Ecclesia.

III. De conjugio amoris et sapientiae, seu boni et veri.

IV. Quod Coelum dicatur conjugium, et quod Ecclesia.

V. Quod Verbum sit conjugium, quia est Divinum Bonum unitum Divino Vero procedens a Domino.

VI. Quod homo, mas et faemina, seu maritus et uxor sint imprimis illud conjugium, - quod id conjugium sit in singulis naturae.

VII. Quod amor conjugialis sit fundamentalis omnium amorum.

VIII. Quod amor conjugialis sit amor coelestis.

IX. Quod amor conjugialis non dabilis sit quam inter duos.

X. Quod duo conjuges uniantur continue; et quod secundum unitionem crescat potentia et delitium.

XI. Quod adulterium sit connubium diaboli et illorum qui adulteri sunt. Quod sit connubium mali et falsi.

XII. Quod infernum sit adulterium, etiam malum, quod quum inter se [faciant] dicant non dari peccatum.

XIII. Quod adulteratio boni Verbi, et falsificatio veri ejus sit adulterium, de quo plura.

XIV. Quod contra creationem sit adulterium.

XV. Quod adulterium sit fundamentalis amor omnium malorum.

XVI. Quod adulterium sit commixtio plurium vitarum in uno.

XVII. Quod decrescat potentia, et fit commune cum nullo sensu, et tandem aversatio.

XVIII. Quaenam scortationes sunt adulteria, quae destruunt amorem conjugialem.

XIX. Varia genera adulteriorum, vide mox supra. 3

De conjugio et adulterio 4

XX. Agnoscere charitatem et non fidem est adulterium fratris et sororis.

XXI. Quod per conjugialem amorem formetur homo ut sit forma amoris, unde omnes reliqui amores coelestes.

XXII. Quod ex adulteriis sit destructio illius formae.

XXIII. Quod infernum sit adulterium.

XXIV. Quod adulteriorum actibus ibi correspondeant haec sequentia.

XXV. Quod qui solum Patrem colunt, et nihil de Divino Domini cogitant, sint in adulterio sicut fratris cum sorore.

XXVI. Qui in sola fide, sint in adulterio sicut matris cum filio. [28]


Quod qui in solo sensu literae ei student solius honoris causa, sint in adulterio patris cum nuru. [29]

XXIX. Quod qui in summo gradu amoris imperandi ex amore sui non propter usus sint in Sodoma.

XXX. Qui in jucundo varietatis adulterii quod sint qui amant congressum cum bestiis quod fiant sicut muci narium.

XXXI. Experientia in nocte ab illis qui in sola fide supra in expanso, quod eadem illa quae in formula fidei separatae sunt, in varias scortationes turpes versa sint.


1. Sidebar: Violationes quales in infernum cadaverosum. Quod hodie sint violationes in conjugiis, describantur.

2. in ms. Primum numeratae sunt sententiae ab II-XIX numeralibus arcabicis 1- 18; serius substituit auctor marginaliter numeralia romana, incipiendo a sententia prima sublineata, sed arabica reliquit; ab 11 autem numeralibus romanis arabica superscripsit; ab X apparet nulla nisi romana numeratio

3. h.e. Infra (vide annotationem sequentem)

4. hanc paragraphum, quae in ms. Supra praecedentem apparet, conformiter numerationi huc transposuimus

5. XXVII deest

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