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《灵界经历》 第621节

(一滴水译本 2020--)


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Spiritual Experiences (Odhner and Nemitz translation 1998) 621

621. I have been together with my acquaintances and friends in the other life for a long time

To this I can testify, that I have associated and spoken with many friends and acquaintances in the other life, who had been with me almost constantly, barring some interruptions; and that a certain friend had been at my side continually for the space of more than a month, as he attests. How many there have been, I cannot count, and who they were I am not permitted to say, even though they desired to tell this to their friends; but such a wish is not granted.

This I can aver and testify, that I have associated and spoken quite long with many in the other life who had been known to me in this, or bodily life, and that many conversational exchanges have taken place concerning the state of the unhappy, and the state of the happy. These very states were even shown to them, and they were amazed that no one in bodily life knows that they live immediately after death in another life, and that they are among spirits, whose life is a continuation of bodily life, such that they do not know but that they are still in the life of the body - so much so, that no difference exists except such as that spoken of elsewhere now and then; for their state changes in accordance with their life in the body, as you may see stated elsewhere [cf. 619]. 1748, 1 February.

Spiritual Experiences (Buss translation 1902) 621


This I can testify, that [I have seen] many friends and acquaintances in the other life, thus have consociated and talked with those who have been with me almost continually, with occasional intermissions. Indeed, a certain friend was with me continually for a period exceeding a month, as he asserted. How many there were I could not enumerate, but who they were I am not allowed to say, although they desired me to relate this to their friends; but this is not granted. I can assert and testify, that I have been in consociation, and have spoken for quite a time, with many in the other life who had been known to me in this life, or the life of the body, and that there have been many conversations concerning the state of the unhappy, and concerning the state of the happy, and also that such spirits were shown to them. They also wondered that no one in the life of the body knows that they are living in the other life immediately after death, that they are among spirits, and that their life is a continuation of the life of the body, so that they know no otherwise than that they are still in the life of the body; this is so much so, that there is no difference except such as is described in various places elsewhere, for their state is changed according to their life in the body, as you may see stated elsewhere. 1748, Feb. 1.

Experientiae Spirituales 621 (original Latin 1748-1764)

621. Quod cum notis et amicis meis in altera vita per diutinum tempus fuerim

Hoc contestari possum, quod [cum] amicis et cognitis pluribus in alia vita conversatus sum 1

, et loquutus, qui apud me fuerant paene continue, cum intermissionis vicibus, et quod quidam amicus adstiterit mihi continue, per mensis spatium, quod excedit, sicut is asseverat; quot fuerant non potui numerare, at quinam, non licet dicere, quamvis iidem cupiissent hoc narrare eorum amicis, sed tale non conceditur: hoc asseverare possum et contestari, quod cum pluribus conversatus et satis diu loquutus sim in altera vita, qui mihi noti fuerant in hac, seu corporis vita, et quod plura intercesserint commercia sermonis de statu infelicium, et de statu felicium, quibus etiam iidem ostensi sunt. Ac mirati sunt, quod nemo in corporis vita id sciant 2

, quod vivant statim post mortem in altera vita, et quod inter spiritus sint, et quod vita eorum sit continuatio vitae corporis, sic ut non aliter sciant, ac adhuc in corporis vita essent, adeo ut nullum intercedat discrimen, nisi tale, de quo passim alibi, nam mutatur status eorum secundum vitam eorum in corpore, ut dictum alibi videas [cf [619]. 1748, 1 Febr.


1. The Manuscript has amicos et cognitos plures in altera vita. non ita diu post conversatus sum

2. sic manuscript; vide praefationem hujus editionis sub capite "Idiosyncrasies"

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